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Among The Wicklow Hills  Christy Moore

[C]The autumn e[G]venings filled with [F]copper shades
[C]I see the birds' neck in the [Am]frame
[G]A figure walks into the [Am]sunset
C G F or Am?
Someone goes past suspended from the sky

[Am]Takes more imagination
[F]When everything's remote c[C]ontrol
[Am]For me it's just a case of
[F]What's on the far side of the [C]road

[G]Tell eve[F]rybody
[C]I'm going [G]away for ten y[F]ears
[Am]I'm going to wan[C]der
[G]Among the Wicklo[Am]w hills
The travelling children in their Sunday clothes
Lost on the corner of the Street
Fat gypsy lady smacks the windowpane
A farm dog gets out on the motorway

Takes more imagination
When everything's remote control
For me it's just a case of
What's on the far side of the road

Tell everybody
I'm going away for ten years
I'm going to wander
Among the Wicklow hills

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Am C F G

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