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Mary From Dungloe Christy Moore
[G]Oh, [G]then fare ye wel[D]l, [Cadd9]sweet Donega[G]l, [G]the Rosses[Cadd9] and Gwee[G]dore.
[G]I'm cro[D]ssing the[Cadd9] main ocea[D]n, [C]where the foaming[G] billows [Em]roar,
[G]it breaks my [D]heart f[Cadd9]rom you to par[D]t, [Cadd9]where I spent many [G]happy d[Em]ays.
[G]Farewell to [D]kind [Cadd9]relation[G]s for I'm [G]bound[Cadd9] for Ameri[G]kay.
(Daniel O'Donnell Ladies and Gentlemen)
[G]Ah, then Mary, [D]you're my [Cadd9]hearts deligh[G]t, [G]my pride[Cadd9] and only car[G]e,
[G]it was your [D]cruel[Cadd9] fathe[D]r would [Cadd9]not let [G]me stay t[Em]here.
[G]But absence [D]makes the [Cadd9]heart grow [D]fond and[Cadd9] when I'm o[G]'er the ma[Em]in,
[G]may the Lord [D]protect my [Cadd9]darling [G]girl till [G]I r[Cadd9]eturn a[G]gain.
[G]And I wished I [D]was in [Cadd9]sweet Dung[G]loe and [G]seated [Cadd9]on the [G]grass.
[G]And by my [D]side a [Cadd9]bottle of w[D]ine an[Cadd9]d on my k[G]nee a l[Em]ass.
[G]I'd call for [D]liquor [Cadd9]of the be[D]st and[Cadd9] I'd pay [G]before [Em]I go
[G]and I'd roll my [D]Mary [Cadd9]in my ar[G]ms in the [G]town of[Cadd9] sweet [G]Dungloe.
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