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Missing You Christy Moore
[F]Oh [C]I'[G]m missing y[Dm]ou
I'd give a[F]ll for the p[C]rice of the fl[Am]ight
[F]Oh [C]I'[G]m missing y[Dm]ou
[F]Under Piccad[C]illy's [G]neon
[Dm]In nineteen hundred a[G]nd eighty s[Am]ix
There's not much for a chippie or swinging the pi[Dm]ck
And you c[Dm]an't live on love and o[G]n love al[Am]one
So you sail cross the ocean, away cross the f[Dm]oam
[Dm]To where you're a Paddy, you're a B[G]iddy, your a Mi[Am]ck
Good for nothing but stacking the br[Dm]ick
And your b[Dm]est mate's a spade and he c[G]arries a h[Am]od
Two work horses heavily s[Dm]hod
[F]Oh [C]I'[G]m missing y[Dm]ou
I'd give a[F]ll for the p[C]rice of the fl[Am]ight
[F]Oh [C]I'[G]m missing y[Dm]ou
[F]Under Piccad[C]illy's [G]neon
[Dm]Who did you murder, or a[G]re you a s[Am]py?
I'm fond of a drink helps me laugh, helps me c[Dm]ry
Now I j[Dm]ust drink red biddy for a pe[G]rmanent hi[Am]gh
And I laugh a lot less and I'll cry till I d[Dm]ie
[F]Oh [C]I'[G]m missing y[Dm]ou
I'd give a[F]ll for the p[C]rice of the fl[Am]ight
[F]Oh [C]I'[G]m missing y[Dm]ou
[F]Under Piccad[C]illy's [G]neon
[Dm]All you young people now t[G]ake my adv[Am]ice
Before crossing the ocean you'd better think t[Dm]wice
Cause you c[Dm]an't live without love, with[G]out love a[Am]lone
And the proof's around London in the nobody z[Dm]one
[Dm]Where the summer is fine, but the wi[G]nter's a f[Am]ridge
Wrapped up in old cardboard under Charing Cross Br[Dm]idge
And I'll n[Dm]ever go home now beca[G]use of the s[Am]hame
Of the misfit's reflection in a shop window p[Dm]ane
[F]Oh [C]I'[G]m missing y[Dm]ou
I'd give a[F]ll for the p[C]rice of the fl[Am]ight
[F]Oh [C]I'[G]m missing y[Dm]ou
[F]Under Piccad[C]illy's [G]neon
[F]Oh [C]I'[G]m missing y[Dm]ou
I'd give a[F]ll for the p[C]rice of the fl[Am]ight
[F]Oh [C]I'[G]m missing y[Dm]ou
[F]Under Piccad[C]illy's [G]neon
[G]I'm missing you, I'm missing you, I'm missing you [Dm]
Tabbed by NintEndO
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