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Back Home In Derry Christy Moore
In [Am]1803 we [Em]sailed out to sea
[G]Out from the [D]sweet town of [Am]Derry
[Am]For Australia bound if we [Em]didn't all drown
A[G]nd the marks [D]of our fett[Am]ers we carried
I[Am]n our rusty iron chai[Em]ns we sighed for our weans
Our goo[Am]d women we left in sor[Em]row
A[Am]s the mainsails unfurled[Em], our curses we hurled
On [G]the English, [D]and thoughts[Am] of tomorrow
[C]Oh..O[G]h... I w[Am]ish I was b[G]ack home in D[Am]erry
O[C]h..O[G]h... I wi[Am]sh I was ba[G]ck home in De[Am]rry
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Reddfisher (report)
Gordon Lightfoot's Wreck of the EF, goes Asus2 Em G and D. Since it the same song differ lyrics it should work
emeraldman90 (report)
also the 2 lines
D Am
'In rusty iron chains, we cried for our wains
D Am
As our good wives we left in sorrow
emeraldman90 (report)
Put a C chord in instead of the Em. Where you got that from i don't know.