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Days Of Elijah Donnie McClurkin
[F]These are the days of E[Bb]lijah,
[F]Declaring the w[C]ord of the L[F]ord,
And t[F]hese are the days of Your ser[Bb]vant, Moses,
R[F]ighteousness b[C]eing r[F]estored.
And t[A]hough these are the days of great [Dm]trials,
Of fa[Bb]mine and darkness and sw[C]ord,
St[F]ill, we are the voice in the desert cr[Bb]ying,
"Pr[F]epare ye the w[C]ay of the L[F]ord!"
B[F]ehold he comes, riding on the [Bb]clouds,
Shining like the [F]sun at the trumpet[C] call.
So lift your v[F]oice, it's the year of j[Bb]ubilee,
And out of Zion's[F] hill, s[C]alvation [F]comes.
And [F]these are the days of Ez[Bb]ekiel,
The[F] dry bones [C]becoming as f[F]lesh.
And[F] these are the days of Your servant, D[Bb]avid,
Reb[F]uilding the te[C]mple of pr[F]aise.
And[A] these are the days of the har[Dm]vest,
The[Bb] fields are as white in the wo[C]rld.
And [F]we are the laborers in Your v[Bb]ineyard,
Decl[F]aring the w[C]ord of the L[F]ord!
[F]There's no God like Jehovah, t[Bb]here's no God like Jehovah,
[F]There's no God like Jehovah, t[C]here's no God like Jehovah.
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lovethebud (report)
Song is transposed +4 semitones to make first chord an A. The Db should be a C#m. Same deal. Also a Bm should be above the words "famine" and "fields" instead of a D. That D should be above "darkness" and "white". Write that on printed off version and your sweet!