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[C]All alone at the end of the e[F]vening
And the br[C]ight lights have faded to b[F]lue
I was th[C]inkin' 'bout a w[E7]oman who might have l[Am]oved me
And I never k[G]new[C]
You know I've a[D]lways been a dr[C]eamer Spent my life r[F]unning round
And it's so hard to ch[C]ange Can't seem to s[F]ettle down
But the dreams I've seen l[Dm]ately[F]
Keep turnin' out and [FaddG]burnin' out & t[G]urnin' out the s[F]ame[G]
So p[F]ut me on a h[C]ighway & s[F]how me a s[C]ign
And t[F]ake it to the l[G]imit one more t[C]ime[G] [F]
You can sp[C]end all your time making m[F]oney
You can sp[C]end all your love making t[F]ime
If it [C]all fell to p[E7]ieces tomo[Am]rrow would you still be m[G]ine
And when you're lo[D]oking for your fr[C]eedom nobody s[F]eems to care
And you can't find the d[C]oor, can't find it [F]anywhere
When there's nothin' to bel[Dm]ieve in[F]
Still you're commin' back, you're[FaddG] runnin' back, you're c[G]ommin' back for m[F]ore
So p[F]ut me on a hi[C]ghway & sh[F]ow me a s[C]ign
And t[F]ake it to the l[G]imit one more t[Am]ime[G]
[F]Take it to the li[G]mit, t[F]ake it to the l[G]imit
[F]Take it to the l[G]imit one more t[C]ime
You can t[F]ake it to the l[G]imit, yes t[F]ake it to the li[G]mit
One more t[C]ime.
Dan Nicholas
Heldan Enterprises
Important: The song above is NOT stored on the Chordie server. The original song is hosted at Chordie works as a search engine and provides on-the-fly formatting. Chordie does not index songs against artists'/composers' will. To remove this song please click here.
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djtony2008 (report)
need to tune guitar down full tone (D) @ 44o khz and kappo on 1st
Jerrybass (report)
This song sounds better played with the youtube vid off of the "Best of album at -1 semitone. Still tuned at 440
Quotelawrence (report)
great song it plays very easy and I editted it and posted it on my blog
richiegay (report)
A capo is optional. This key works perfectly for me.
guitarminator (report)
Why dont people say A-440 or capal needed