Notice: Undefined index: PATH_INFO in /var/www/chordiepro/chord.pere on line 794
From A Jack To A King Elvis Presley
[E]>From a jack to a[E] king
>From loneliness to a[B] wedding ring
I played an ace and I won a queen
And walked away with your [E]heart
[E]>From a jack to a[E] king
With no regret I stacked the [B]cards last night
And lady luck played her hand just right
To make me king of your h[E]eart [A] [E7]
For just a [A]little while I thought that I might [E]lose the game
Then just in [F#]time I saw the twinkle in your [B]eye
[E]>From a jack to a[E] king
>From loneliness to a[B] wedding ring
I played an ace and I won a queen
You made me king of your [E]heart
SOLO (triple eighths)
____ ______________ ______________
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| | | | | | | | | | |
|----12---12---12---|---12---11---11---11---11---------------------| |-------------------|----------------------------14---14---14------| |-------------------|----------------------------------------------| |-------------------|----------------------------------------------| |-------------------|----------------------------------------------| |-------------------|----------------------------------------------|
___________ ___ _____ ___ ________
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
|----------------------------------|--------------------11-14-|-12-| |-14--12--12--12--12---------------|----------12-----12-------|----| |---------------------13--14-13-11-|------13------14----------|----| |---------------------------/-----|-14-----------------------|----| |----------------------------P-----|--------------------------|----| |----------------------------------|--------------------------|----|
For just a [A]little while I thought that I might [E]lose the game
Then just in [F#]time I saw the twinkle in your [B]eye
[E]>From a jack to a[E] king
>From loneliness to a[B] wedding ring
I played an ace and I won a queen
You made me king of your [E]heart
* * * * *
An alternative to tuning down is to put a capo on the first fret.
No capo capo 1
[B] [A]
Important: The song above is NOT stored on the Chordie server. The original song is hosted at Chordie works as a search engine and provides on-the-fly formatting. Chordie does not index songs against artists'/composers' will. To remove this song please click here.