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Big Yellow Taxi Joni Mitchell
[G]They paved paradise and put up a parking [D]lot
With a [G]pink hotel, a b[A]outique and a s[D]wingin' hot spot
[D]Don't it always [A]seem to go
That you d[G]on't know what you've got till it's [D]gone
They p[G]aved paradise and [A]put up a parking [D]lot
They [G]took all the trees, put 'em in a tree mus[D]eum
And they [G]charged the people a [A]dollar and a half just to [D]see 'em
Hey [G]farmer farmer, put away that D.D.[D]T. now
Give me [G]spots on my apples but [A]leave me the birds and the [D]bees
[G]Late last night I heard the screen door [D]slam
And a [G]big yellow taxi [A]took away my old [D]man
[D]Yeah they [G]paved paradise, [A]put up a parking [D]lot
[D]I said they [G]paved paradise, [A]put up a parking [D]lot
Important: The song above is NOT stored on the Chordie server. The original song is hosted at Chordie works as a search engine and provides on-the-fly formatting. Chordie does not index songs against artists'/composers' will. To remove this song please click here.
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O.m.G!!! Then it's TRUE? There is an IMPOSTER GOLDILOCKS? Lurking amongst us ?? D.F.
goldilocks (report)
the real goldilocks did not post the above messege
goldilocks (report)
sad i exspecked more ha ha
fieonu (report)
Actually, I found it is one of the better tabs for this song. It's just in a different key. If you like, just transpose it +4 semitones.
knightowl70 (report)
If you put a Capo of the 4th fret it matches Joni's version
bman1973 (report)
I'm sorry but the chord posting here is TOTALLY OFF..