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Unchained Melody Righteous Brothers
[C]Oh, my [Am]love, my d[F]arling
I've hun[G]gered for your tou[C]ch A lo[Am]ng, lonely ti[G]me
And[C] time goe[Am]s by, so slo[F]wly
And ti[G]me can do so m[C]uch Are [Am]you still min[G]e?
I [C]need your lo[G]ve I nee[Am]d your lo[Em]ve
God s[F]peed your love [G]to[C]me [C7]
Lo[F]nely rivers fl[G]ow to the se[F]a, to the se[Eb]a
T[F]o the open ar[G]ms of the s[C]ea
[F]Lonely rivers si[G]gh: W[F]ait for me, wait for [Eb]me
[F]I'll be coming ho[G]me Wait for [C]me
[C]Oh, my l[Am]ove, my dar[F]ling
I've hun[G]gered for your tou[C]ch A lon[Am]g, lonely ti[G]me
And [C]time goes[Am] by, so sl[F]owly
And [G]time can do so mu[C]ch Are[Am] you still min[G]e?
I n[C]eed your l[G]oveI n[Am]eed your l[Em]ove
God sp[F]eed your love [G]to m[C]e
(Finale) [Am] [F] [G] [C]
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