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California Dreamin�?? The Mamas & the Papas
*** CAPO on THE 4TH FRET ***
Repeat the picking 3 times
E7sus4 020200
E7 020100 e---------------------------| Am 002210 B-----0--3--1--0------------| G 320003 G---2--2--------------------| Asus2 002200 D--2------------------------| F 133211 A---------------------------| C 032010 E---------------------------|
*** CAPO on THE 4TH FRET ***
Arranged by Michael YISRAEL
INTRO Picking 3 times
[E7sus4]All the leaves are brown (All the [Am]leave[G]s are b[F]rown)
[G]And the sky is grey (a[E7sus4]nd the sky [E7]is gray)
[F]I've been for a [C]walk[E7] (I[Am]'ve been for a walk)
[F]On a winter's da[E7sus4]y (on a winter's d[E7]ay)
I'd be safe and warm [Am](I?d be s[G]afe and w[F]arm)
[G]If I was in LA (If [E7sus4]I was in [E7]LA)
California Dreamin?[Am] (Cali[G]fornia Dr[F]eamin?)
[G]On such [E7sus4]a winter's day[E7]
[Am]Stopped into a churc[G]h[F]
[G]I passed along the w[E7sus4]ay[E7]
Well, I got down[Am] on my knees (Got [G]down on my kne[Am]es)
And I pretend to pray (I[F] pretend[E7sus4] to pray)[E7]
[Am]You know the p[G]reacher likes the[F] cold (Preacher likes the cold)
[G]He knows I'm gonna stay (Knows I'm [E7sus4]gonna stay)[E7]
California Dreamin?[Am](California Dre[G]amin?)[F]
[G]On such a[E7sus4] winter's day [E7]
[E7sus4]All the leaves are brown [Am](All the leav[G]es are brow[F]n)
[G]And the sky is grey (and the s[E7sus4]ky is gray)[E7]
[F]I've been for a walk ([C]I've b[E7]een fo[Am]r a walk)
[F]On a winter's day (on a [E7sus4]winter's da[E7]y)
If I didn?t tell her (i[Am]f I didn?t te[G]ll her)[F]
[G]I could leave to[E7sus4]day (I could leave today[E7])
California Dreamin? [Am](California Dr[G]eamin?[F])
[G]On such a winter[Am]'s day (C[G]aliforn[F]ia Dreamin?)
[G]On such a winter[Am]'s day (C[G]aliforn[F]ia Dreamin?)
[G]On such a winter[Am]'s day (C[G]aliforn[F]ia Dreamin?)
[G]On such a winter[Am]'s day
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