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Chicken Fried Zac Brown Band
Important: The song above is NOT stored on the Chordie server. The original song is hosted at Chordie works as a search engine and provides on-the-fly formatting. Chordie does not index songs against artists'/composers' will. To remove this song please click here.
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tmdemi (report)
Answer for rickey....You have to tune your guitar to E flat. Then it is spot on... Great tune....
azredfern (report)
Make sure to drop your guitar to an E flat
Sammie Jean (report)
U know i Like My Chicken Fried!! lol
rickeyforet (report)
is this song played with a capo please let me know
island knight (report)
SPOT ON!!!! Thanks Very Much!!!!
C-rod91339 (report)
Oh sweet i love this song it's like my favorite of all time thanks for the chords guys!Keep on ROCKING!
starbugsmommy (report)
I like this one, Ive tried playing a few different ones, but this one sounds right
music_guy (report)
Woo Hoo!! Chicken Fried rox!!!