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Its now or never Elvis Presley
A. It's now or [E]never, come hold me [F#m]tight
Kiss me my darling,[B7] be mine to[E]night
Tom[Am]orrow will be too [E]late, it's now or [B7]never
My love won't w[E]ait.
B. When I first [E]saw you with your smile so t[F#m]ender
My heart was captured,[B7] my soul sur[E]rendered
I'd spend a l[E]ifetime waiting for the r[F#m]ight time
Now that your n[E]ear the time is h[B7]ere at l[E]ast.
A. It's now or . . .
B. Just like a willow, we would cry an ocean
If we lost true love and sweet devotion
Your lips excite me, let your arms invite me
For who knows when we'll meet again this way
A. It's now or . . .
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