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Burning love Elvis Presley
[D]Lord Almighty
[G]I feel my t[A]emperature r[D]ising
[D]Higher, higher
[G]It's burning t[A]hrough to my s[D]oul
[D]Girl, girl, girl
[G]You've gone and s[A]et me on [D]fire
[D]My brain is flaming
[G]I don't know w[A]hich way to [D]go
Your [Bm]kisses [A]lift me [G]higher
Like the [Bm]sweet song[A] of a c[G]hoir
You [Bm]light my [A]morning[G] sky
With [A]burning love[D]
Verse 2:
Ooh, ooh, ooh,
I feel my temperature rising
Help me, I'm flaming
It must be a hundred and nine
Burning, burning
Burning and nothing can cool me
I just might turn to
Smoke, but I feel fine
[Bm] [A] [G] [Bm] [A] [G] [Bm] [A] [G] [A] [D]
Verse 3:
It's coming closer
The flames are now lickin' my body
Won't you help me
I feel like I'm slipping away
It's hard to breathe
My chest is a heaving
Lord have mercy
I'm burning a hole where I lay
[G]With burning l[D]ove [G]
I'm just a[D] hunk, a hunk of burning [G]love
Just a [D]hunk, a hunk of burning [G]love (repeat line to fade)
A = x02220
Bm = x24432(bar chord) or xx4432
D = xx0232
G = 320003
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