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Loves Been Hard On Me-crd Juice Newton
[A]I've got not[D]hing to be as[E]hamed [A]of L[A]ove's been a li[D]ttle bit h[E]ard on m[A]e.
[A]If I shy a[D]way it's o[E]nly beca[A]use L[A]ove's been a li[D]ttle bit h[E]ard on [A]me.
[A]Love's been a li[D]ttle 1. w[E]oo ooh Love's been a li[A]ttle
2. Well you know love's been a little
Lo[A]ve's been a li[D]ttle bit h[E]ard on [A]me.
[A]Love's been a li[D]ttle 1. Y[E]ou know it's just been a li[A]ttle
2. just a little little
Lo[A]ve's been a li[D]ttle bit h[E]ard on m[A]e.
[A]I can't rem[D]ember when it me[E]ant so m[A]uch Lo[A]ve's been a li[D]ttle bit h[E]ard on [A]me
[A]Now I shy a[D]way in s[E]pite of his to[A]uch Lo[A]ve's been a li[D]ttle bit h[E]ard on [A]me.
go to chorus;
Come o[D]ut Come [C#m]out to the ho[Bm]peless romance in[A]side
Shout it's alr[D]ight it's al[C#m]right to [Bm]stay so dark so cl[D]ose to the lig[E]ht
go to lead. Go to to come out........
I'[A]ll be b[D]ack when I ca[E]lm my fe[A]ars Lo[A]ve's been a lit[D]tle bit h[E]ard on [A]me
An[A]d I'll see you ar[D]ound in a tho[E]usand y[A]ears
Lo[A]ve's been a li[D]ttle bit ha[E]rd on m[A]e.
go to chorus with adlibing lead to fade out.
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