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Man Of Constant Sorrow Waylon Jennings
I'm a m[A]an of constant sorr[D]ow
I've known tro[A]uble all my d[D]ays
I'll say goodbye and leave tom[G]orr[D]ow [E]
And i w[A]on't be back this w[D]ay
Verse 1:
Miser[A]y is nothing new to m[D]e
Memor[A]ies will fade in t[D]ime
Another day,some new tom[G]orr[D]ow [E]
Just my [A]ease,my troubled m[D]ind
Verse 2:
I ca[A]n't be the man you've made of m[D]e
Only y[A]ou no how i've tr[D]ied
I'll say goodbye and leave tom[G]orr[D]ow [E]
Maybe th[A]en you'll be satisf[D]ied
Perret Charles-Amir :
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flipper7776 (report)
There are some incorrect words here, possibly due to translation? Anyway "no" is actually "know," for one.