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Sweet Baby James James Taylor
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borderman (report)
As for Capo on #1, it only raises the pitch a half note. JT plays it on two videos that I found where no Capo is used ( and one where a capo is used ( Suppose it all depends on which notes are easier to sing on a given day.
borderman (report)
Yes, I agree, defininitely capo on first fret. Great job to a wonderful song!
seanlabas (report)
def. capo 1
joeybonin (report)
There are 19,000 bad tab versions of this tune on the web. This one is good, complete with James' trusty sus4 chords. Also love his arrangement of Foster's Oh, Susanna.
vanfireman (report)
for the a7sus chord, and easier variation is 302030...i dont know, just sounds nice
vanfireman (report)
capo 1??