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Waterloo Abba
[C]My my, at [D]Waterloo, Na[G]poleon [F]did sur[G]render.
Oh [C]yeah, and [D]I have met my [G]desti[F]ny in [G]quite a similar [Am]way.
The history book on the shelf, is [D7]always repeating it[G]self.[G7]
[C]Waterloo - I was defeated, you [F]won the war,
[G]Waterloo - promise to love you for[C]ever more. [G]
[C]Waterloo - Couldn't escape if I [F]wanted to,
[G]Waterloo - knowing my fate is to [C]be with you,
Wow, wow, wow, wow, [G]Waterloo - finally facing my [C]Waterloo.
[C]My my, I [D]tried to hold you [G]back but [F]you were [G]stronger.
Oh [C]yeah, and [D]now it seems my [G]only [F]hope is [G]giving up the [Am]fight.
And how could I ever refuse, I [D7]feel like I win when I [G]lose. [G7]
And [Am]how could I ever refuse, I [D7]feel like I win when I [G]lose. [G7]
Add this line at the end of last CHORUS:
[C]Wow, wow, wow, wow, [G]Waterloo - knowing my fate is to [C]be with you.
Ultimate-Guitar.Com © 2005
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