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Give My Love To Rose Johnny Cash
I f[A]ound him by the r[E]ailroad track this m[A]orning
I c[A]ould see that he w[E]as nearly d[A]ead
[D]I knelt down beside him and I l[A]istened
[E]Just to hear the words the dying fellow said
[A]He said they let me out of p[E]rison down in F[A]risco
[A]For ten long years I've p[E]aid for what I've d[A]one
[D]I was trying to get back to Louisia[A]na
[E]To see my Rose and get to know my s[A]on
[D]Give my love to Rose please won't you m[A]ister
[E]Take her all my money, tell her to b[A]uy some pretty clothes
[D]Tell my boy his daddy's so proud o[A]f him
[E]And don't forget to give my love to R[A]ose
[A]Tell them I said t[E]hanks for waiting f[A]or me
[A]Tell my boy to h[E]elp his mom at h[A]ome
[D]Tell my Rose to try to find a[A]nother
[E]For it ain't right that she should live alone
[A]Mister here's a b[E]ag with all my m[A]oney
[A]It won't last them l[E]ong the way it [A]goes
[D]God bless you for finding me this mo[A]rning
[E]And don't forget to give my love to R[A]ose
[D]Give my love to Rose please won't you [A]mister
[E]Take her all my money, tell her to b[A]uy some pretty clothes
[D]Tell my boy his daddy's so proud o[A]f him
[E]And don't forget to give my love to R[A]ose
| This file is the author's own work and represents their interpretation |
| of the song. You may only use this file for private study, scholarship, |
| or research. |
Ultimate-Guitar.Com © 2005
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