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Wonderful Tonight Eric Clampton858
Capo 2nd Fret
[G] It's late in the eve[D]ning
[C] She's wonderin' what cl[D]othes to wear,[G]
She put's on her m[D]ake-up, and
br[C]ushes her lo[D]ng-long hair;
Refrain: 1
[C] And then she [D]asked me,[G] do i look alrig[Em]ht ?
And I said, Y[C]es, You are W[D]onderful To[G]night
(Repeat Intro)
Verse: 2
[G] We go to a p[D]arty,[C] and everyone t[D]urns see,
[G] this beautiful la[D]dy,[C] whose walking ar[D]ound on me
Refrain: 2
[C] And then she as[D]ked me[G], do you feel alr[Em]ight ?
And I said, Y[C]es, I feel W[D]onderful Toni[G]ght
I feel w[C]onderful bec[D]ause i see the [G]love,
right in your e[Em]yes,
And the wo[C]nder of it a[D]ll, is that you j[C]ust
don't real[D]ize how much i [G]love you
Verse: 3
[G] It's time to go h[D]ome now[C], and i've got an ac[D]hing head,
So I g[G]ave her the [D]car key, and [C]she helps me to [D]bed
[C]And then I tell [D]her,[G] as I turn off the l[Em]ights,
I said, My [C]Darling, You are [D]Wonderful to[G]night
Oh.. My [C]Darling, You are [D]Wonderful to[G]night
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