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Lovely To See You Moody Blues
G-----------------7-6-4-2-1-9-12-11-9-7-6)-4/7-7-7-4-7-4- A
[E]Wonderful day for pas[A]sing my w[E]ay,
[E]Knock on my door and ev[A]en the sc[E]ore with your eye[A]s.[A]
[A]Lovely to s[D]ee you aga[A]in my frien[E]d,
[A]wa[A]lk along wi[D]th me t[A]o the next b[E]een.
This dark cloud of fear is blowing away,
Now that you're here you going to stay 'cause it's
Lovely to see you again my friend,
walk along with me to the next been.
[F]Tell us what you se[G]e in fa[F]r away fo[G]rgotten lands,
[F]Where empires have tur[G]ned back to sa[A]nd.
(Repeat main riff)
(Check recording for rhythm)
Play barre6 F G and A on bridge like this:
[F] [G] [A]
E-1---/3---/5- B-1---/3---/5- G-2---/4---/6- D-3---/5---/7- A-3---/5---/7-
Important: The song above is NOT stored on the Chordie server. The original song is hosted at Chordie works as a search engine and provides on-the-fly formatting. Chordie does not index songs against artists'/composers' will. To remove this song please click here.
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Corrections To Lyrics
Wonderful day for passing my way,
Knock on my door and even the score with your eyes.
Lovely to see you again my friend,
Walk along with me to the next bend.
This dark cloud of fear is blowing away,
Now that you're here you're going to stay 'cause it's
Lovely to see you again my friend,
Walk along with me to the next bend.
Tell us what you seen in far away forgotten lands,
Where empires have turned back to sand...