(1 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

I'm thinking of getting one of these guitars but as there are no reviews out for them yet and I have not tried one myself, does anyone here have any experience with them. I don't want to order one only to find out I'm dissapointed. Any information would be great. Many thanks


(2 replies, posted in Electric)

I had a look at the site too. Great site. With the best suggestion being that you should start to solo very soon after beginning the guitar. I've only been playing a few weeks and can already solo pretty well on the Am and Em pentatonic scales (pushed into it by my tutor but much appreciated).


(43 replies, posted in Electric)

I've been playing for about 4 weeks and have started with a teacher. He's very good, I'm 33 and his day job is teaching guitar to primary and secondary school kids so he has lots of patients. After the hour long lesson we go to the pub for a jar and have a chat about the world.