(76 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

We're a bunch of misfits... that probably are all intelligent enough to have been doctors, lawyers, and rocket scientists!  LOL!  I *almost* went to school for Vet Medicine... I considered law school.  ALMOST doesn't count tho!  ha ha!
to quote mekidsmom.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      this is why i feel fit in! i spent 10 yrs as an operating theatre technician(anaesthesiologist nurse,in the usa,i think)got a taste for all the sweets in the sweet shop tho',if you get my meaning.just a humble bakery worker/frustrated musician now.ho hum!!


(16 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

hi from a 47y.o newbie.i love my alt country/blues,but how can an ex punk/mod find other council estate rockers to make our own kind of english country blues(gonna copywright this term)?we have no highway 61,no route 66,(got the a1 and a66 tho')
clogs possible,strong cider optional,but love of life a must.