Re: The MOOD Thread!

My condolences as well badeye to you and your friends' family.


My current mood is sad for those who have lost and are suffering. Also, I'm thankful for those who have and are happy. I do my best to stay on an even keel and not get too high from highs nor too low from the lows. It's a difficult task sometimes...................

Give everything but up.

Re: The MOOD Thread!


I too am sorry to hear about the loss of your friend, my condolences to you and his family. As Ken has already written it is difficult to know what to say at times like this but you know that our thoughts are with you.


"Do, or do not; there is no try"

Re: The MOOD Thread!

Thanks  Ken, Tony and Roger It,s tough when you lose a good friend. Thanks for all your thought's and prayers.

  Take Care ... Brad.

one caper after another