Topic: Restringing Uke with guitar strings?

I have a cheapie Makala soprano uke, with the usual poor quality starter strings that look like black plastic! Proper uke strings seem quite expensive, so just wondered if it was possible to use (non-wound) classical guitar strings? If so, which ones would go where, if you get my drift?! Not intially less expensive I suppose, but you could maybe get 2 uke strings from 1 guitar string? And basic nylon strings are quite cheap! Hmm - just had another thought, - fishing line! I have lots of that laying around. Will research further...

" Old Guy is Rocking"
Simon & Patrick Pro Flamed Maple (mmm, nice...)
Norman ST68 acoustic

Re: Restringing Uke with guitar strings?

Hi Norm,

  Not Fishing Line!  That much I do know..... it's formulated for way too much stretchability and would likely never settle in and hold tune.

  As for guitar strings of the Classical variety, that should be workable as the real only difference is (as you said the length) a couple of extras and guage.  Materials should be identical if not very similar as they are designed for the same purpose.  My Classical strings of choice are wound in the heavier sizes with only the GBE strings being monofilament, but I guess you could find a set with only two wound strings in it and give it a try.  You might also inquire about buying in singles as one can do in steel guitar strings, but you would have to get a micrometer and check the string diameter to specify the proper sizes, and only buy the four you need.

Good Luck and let us know how that works out for you.


"what is this quintessence of dust?"  - Shakespeare

Re: Restringing Uke with guitar strings?

a new packet of aquilas (which are generally considered the best quality uke strings you can buy) are only about £12 online,
i'd recommend just putting up with it and buying proper strings because frankly if you want to get any kind of decent tone out of a makala you wanna invest in decent strings.
couple this with the fact they last for AGES, its really a false economy to cheap out on them.
still classical guitar strings might work but they'd be FAR too thick and would muddy up the tone something terrible.

Re: Restringing Uke with guitar strings?

I would never replace an instrument's strings with something else not designed for that instrument.
I would imagine that guitar necks are a lot stronger than ukulele necks. That means you'd be putting an undue amount of stress on the neck, which could loosen it from the body, or crack it.
I don't think it would sound very good, either.
Cardboardfrog has the right idea.

Re: Restringing Uke with guitar strings?

hi...good day..have fun and enjoy

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