Right On The Money Alan Jackson
E ------------------------------|
[D#] [E] [Fm] [Bb]
E 3 0 1 1
B 4 0 1 1
G 3 0 1 3
D x 1 3 3
A x 2 3 1
E x 2 1 x
Chorus: Play these as barre chords when Alan goes She's right on the money?..
[G#] [A#] [D#]
[E]B [4]4 [6]6 [6]8
G 5 7 8
D 6 8 8
A 6 8 6
E 4 6 x
This next part is when Alan sings She's the best cook?
Cm A# G# Gm7 Fm A# (repeat twice)
[G]D [5]5 [7]8 [5]6 [3]3
A 3 8 6 5
E x 6 4 3
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