(3 replies, posted in Electric)

hello again was also speaking to a friend today who was saying that tokai are holding there money pretty well and was just wondering as to the worth of my tokai its a LS200 anyone have any ideas maybe bootlegger perhaps????


(3 replies, posted in Electric)

Does anyone else here use a tokai guitar or have an opinion on them am just curious about it as i own one and am very happy with it



(3 replies, posted in Electric)

Was just curious about the main differnece between them and how good do you need to be to play in a band as either a rhythm or lead guitarist?????

''do a keith richards and throw the fu@#ing tv out the window''
Noel Gallagher


(240 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

i have a TOKAI LS200 electric which has a fantastic sound and am currently looking for a better amp as mines a piece of crap and also a CRAFTER TR060/VLS-V which is great low action and great sound.
http://www.tokairegistry.com/images/cat … i20010.jpg


(2 replies, posted in Electric)

i wouldnt mind a few tips either if anyone could help


(3 replies, posted in Electric)

jimmyriddle74@hotmail.com please add me if you have msn would like to talk to some people lwho could help me with my brand new electric guitar not online tonight though as its the champions league final CMON YOU SCOUSERS


i found the weight pretty much the same as the gibson i just prefered the sound i got out of it i guess its just personal preferance at the end of the day a few of my friends own gibsons and i have mucked about on them but the tokai just seened to be a bit more me.

anyone else play a tokai here?


i bought a new guitar today and when i was trying some of them out i tried a GIBSON les paul studio also a few epiphone les pauls and a tokai love rock (les paul copy) i didnt like the epiphones at all just didnt click and so did this go for the GIBSON but i liked the tokai guitar enough to buy it hope this makes sense as not the most expensive guitars are the best. i payed £600 for it and am very pleased with it.

http://www.tokairegistry.com/images/ads … ag0901.jpg



(15 replies, posted in Acoustic)

i tend to just go for it if its an akward chord sooner or later ul get it all the time there is no point skipping you allways need to be chalengeing ureself otherwise you just wont get better youl get into a comfort zone i bet after 1 or 2 weeks of trying the F#M  youl be hitting it no problem and all the better for putting ure time into it.



(2 replies, posted in Electric)

have just recnetly got hold of a bit of cash and was curious as to what type of les paul i want i.e makes i cant quite afford a gibson and have around £400 to spend was just curious as to opinions you may have and also was wondering is there a major difference in strat to les paul and what you prefer to play.



(15 replies, posted in Electric)

i use 4 fingers to play the g chord having my first finger on the low e string(3rd fret) my second finger on the A string (2nd fret) and my third and fourth on the B and high E strings (3rd fret) it is such a nicer sounding chord even though i do play it with an open B string at times though which ever way i feel like.

N Wales.


(5 replies, posted in Electric)

I was reading the post on scales and its all well and good learning them with good speed but how do u solo with them do u just take chunks of the scale and plonk them wherever and hope for the best or do u just fiddle about with it i no the major and the am pentatonic and can play them with speed but i dont actually no what to do with them hope this dont sound a bit daft any help or light shed on this topic would really be appreciated.

N Wales


(6 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

i had this problem to. You should check your neck to make sure its straight if the top of your neck is bent upwards due to the tension in strings. i didnt pay anything for it to be staightened. But i did get it restrung with a lighter strings and then straightened (truss rod) i payed £12 ($24) for it to be restrung properly. best advice i could give would be go see someone in a guitar shop who can repair them or give better advice than me im still a beginner maybe someone on hear could help with better advice than me.

Royston N Wales


(66 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

im a newly qualified carpenter from north wales in the uk nice to take a break from hammers and saws to play the guitar. how is everyone getting on by the way im doing great YEY.



(13 replies, posted in Acoustic)

i had it about a month ago when i started playing tears in heaven by clapton i was absolutely awfull at first but after i practiced for a few hours i sat it down and said id come back to it the next day as soon as i picked it up again i could allready hear myself playing it better with the timing and hitting almost every string correctly im still not perfect but i can play the song without thinking so much on what im doing and it just sort of comes naturally in the end.

Royston N Wales


(17 replies, posted in Acoustic)

if uve got a few more pounds u could try the G7th Capo it has a 5 star rating in some magazines i read but is a bit on the pricey side (£25 around $40) its very simple to use and looks good, im sure if anyone else has used these theyl agree with me that its a great capo.

<a href="http://www.eaglemusicshop.com/guitars/accessories/details/index.asp?eagleID=4592&ProcessType=1" target="_blank"> http://www.eaglemusicshop.com/guitars/accessories/details/in dex.asp?eagleID=4592&ProcessType=1</a>

<img src="index.php?t=getfile&id=127&private=0" border=0 alt="index.php?t=getfile&id=127&private=0">

Royston N Wales


(17 replies, posted in Electric)

what is a tube sorry if this is a daft question ive never owned an amp i play acoustic and am looking to play the electric guitar now.



(17 replies, posted in Electric)

thanks for the information everyone please keep replying also i was wondering on what amps to go for and does it effect the sound that much? ive heard vox are great amps but im also keen on the marchalls to, but am open to opinion what do you people use and how are they?


N wales


(17 replies, posted in Electric)

Hello everyone im an acoustic player who is thinking about buying a epiphone les paul and was just curious as to what everyone else thought about the guitar or if anyone had any experience with the guitar any advice would be much appreciated.

Also sorry to keep it going on and on but does anyone who lives in the uk no of where i might be able to get info on places where i can find other people to play with im in the North Wales area.

<a href="http://www.epiphone.com/default.asp?ProductID=48&CollectionID=6" target="_blank"> http://www.epiphone.com/default.asp?Pro … mp;Collect ionID=6</a>

in a takburst finish

Royston North wales


(9 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

i have a g7 cappo its a nice small little thing and easy to use but are a bit pricey with durability and lifespan i couldnt say ive only had mine for 4 months and is my first one to own. Have Fun


N Wales

it has to be Noel Galagher from Oasis and also my fathers like of anything that has a guitar in it i started playing in November and am doing well im a 21 year old builder and luckily enough my fingers were allready hard (1-0 to me)so i cant say ive had much pain yet. STAY YOUNG!!!!!


N Wales


(5 replies, posted in Electric)

an acoustic guitars strings are alot more tighter (not sure thats the corredt term to use but u get the drift) if you learn on an acoustic when u come to learning the electric ul fi d it alot easier as your fingers have built up enough strength plus the tip of each finger would of hardened a bit im currently still a beginner but i was given this advice by a friend of mine and although i own an electric (les paul)i found that learning on an acoustic really gives you an advantage when you come to change, i think someone posted on here not long ago about not going from one type of guitar to another. Hope it Helps Have Fun


N Wales


(14 replies, posted in Acoustic)

just had a lesson and straight away my strumming is alot better he was quite impressed with the time in which i was playing (since november) and can play nearly 20 chords and a good few songs but my strumming was a bit on the rough side please keep posting ure experiences would like to no. Have Fun


N Wales


(14 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Hello everyone

Ive just booked my self in for some guitar lessons and was curious as to wether they are actually worth it or would self teaching be just as good, plus another thing is the price il be paying around £16 (around $9)and was just wondering weather it was cheap. But mainly was just curious as to what every thought of lessons compared to self teaching.


North Wales


(3 replies, posted in Acoustic)

i have the TR060/VLS-V model its a great guitar am very pleased with it, it took me a while to choose it i tried out a number of guitars, i do like those takamine guitars though , to reply to the other post i would just say do what i did and try out a load of different guitars usually the shop owners can be very helpfull but maybe a bit biast.


N Wales