Topic: how do you solo

I was reading the post on scales and its all well and good learning them with good speed but how do u solo with them do u just take chunks of the scale and plonk them wherever and hope for the best or do u just fiddle about with it i no the major and the am pentatonic and can play them with speed but i dont actually no what to do with them hope this dont sound a bit daft any help or light shed on this topic would really be appreciated.

N Wales

Re: how do you solo

You're halfway there already Jimmy, you mentioned the Am pentatonic or blues scale. This is the #1 scale you need for blues, rock, pop & country - pretty versatile huh? You may see mention of Em pentatonic which is very similar but with two additional notes. The shape of the blues scale forms a box between the 5th and 7th frets, stay in the box and all will be tuneful.

Second thing you need is backing. Solos just sound like random notes until you put them over the corresponding backing. There are books and CDs available with pre-recorded backing or you could just record yourself playing a basic 12 bar  A D A E blues progression over and over again. Play back and move around the blues box, try setting up little triplets of notes and repeat them. No need to be fast just play with feeling.

'The sound of the city seems to disappear'

Re: how do you solo

Um, I just started out on soloing on tuesday of this week.
The riff that helped me get the hang of it was the solo parts of
Sublime - "Pawn shop"

It's a fairly simple set of notes that just go up and down. I never thought that just going up and down a set of notes could sound good and all it took was just accenting different notes and making the timing change.

It's so simple but so amazing.


"Talent instantly recognizes genius,
but mediocrity knows nothing more than itself."

-Sir Arthur Conan-Doyle

Re: how do you solo

go to this website, its really good:


Re: how do you solo

12345abcd3 wrote:

go to this website, its really good:


SWEET!! Thanks!!


"Talent instantly recognizes genius,
but mediocrity knows nothing more than itself."

-Sir Arthur Conan-Doyle

Re: how do you solo

Scales and modes tell me where to work and from there really I just go from the gut and try to remember the good bits and scrab the not so good.

"Nobody paints by ear so why would I play guitar by sight?" hmm