(8 replies, posted in My local band and me)

well i fI lived anywhere near you i would play anytime.  I am in a similiar stuation as yourself. I just started playing March of 07' (i am 35 yrs. old) I guess fortuanately for me there are several people around that play. The cool part for me is that they are all so much better than me I seem to learn something new everytime I play music w/ them.


(14 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Beautiful song....  I will be playing this to my lil' one tonight!!


(19 replies, posted in Songwriting)

great song!!!  Hope you don't mind but i plan on playing your song the next time the "band" plays at the local saloon.


(3 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Chordpro error: This is not a valid artistname. You will have to specify an artistname in the form {st: Artistname} in the beginning of the code.


(2 replies, posted in Songwriting)

here's a new one. Hope you enjoy.
this song is best described as maybe an up-tempo country/southern rock style
4/4 beat

Probably the last thing I expexted
probably the last time around
Maybe it won't be detected
A                                     E
I'm always the first to fall down


I know the world it aint illusion
It has greatly amused me
All I know is just confusion
A                                        E
through the fog it's hard too see


Remember when we where still naive
life was still easy and free
We knew what to believe
A                                E
now it's not so easy you see


B                                           A
I've grown old and I've grown cold
B                               A
and i'm much less bold
B                              A                E
now that I know its all.........bought and sold

Instrumental (just play through the first three verses)
and pick up the lyrics back on the chorus

Repeat 1st three verses and chorus

Extended chorus

B                                            A
I rested long and tried to grow strong
B                             A
Thought about a song 
B                       A                       E
but to make it out........just took to long


I look forward to your comments/critiques..


(8 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Roger Guppy wrote:

Hi James,

Welcome to Chordie. I think Rebel is spot on with her comments (she is one smart lady), nice chord progression and lyrics.

Now as you are the most recently added friend to FoC how about getting behind a microphone and letting us hear just how your song should sound. There is always a place for a new song there.

Thank you and well done,


If I had the equipment (or better yet the money to buy the equipment) I would do it in a second.  I gotta get some things paid off first and I will be getting the necessary equipment to do just that.  Any suggestions on what to get would be greatly appreciated.


(3 replies, posted in Songwriting)

I was watching the news this morning and they were talking about  suicide bomber's . Now I know there is nothing funny about this topic but I was just thinking about the whole concept in general and this is what I came up with.

Vs I
G                                     C                G
There once was a man his name was Habim
G                                  D              G
He joined Al-Queda just part of the team
G                                       C             G
The boys said "habim We're fighting a war
G                                 D                       G         
strap on this bomb and walk through that door


G                                        C          G                                     
Your a suicide bomber with a belt of c-4
G                                       D               G
the hours are short and the pay's pretty poor
G                                C                 G       
but if you are willing to trade in your life
G                                D        G
you'll get 72 virgins for 1 ugly wife


G                               C                  G     
Habim said "boys that sounds pretty good
G                              D           G
but i'll need viagra so I can get wood
G                                 C           G
thats a lot of virgins for one little man
G                                              D             G
you all should come with me and give me a hand

Repeat Chorus


The boys said habim you gotta go by yourself

we'll stay her and drink and pray for your health

keep your eyes on the prize and the button in your hand

you'll be a hero just stick to the plan

Repeat chorus


Habim was determined and away he did go

he pushed the little button but the bomb didn't blow

now he's a disgrace and the virgin's he's lost

he's stuck in the desert........just jerking off!!!!

Repeat chorus....

I know it's pretty corny but it did make me smile as i was writing it down.


(8 replies, posted in Songwriting)

thanks a lot for the replies.  I was hoping that this song was decent.  This one was my 1st attempt at a "real" song. The other song's i've put together are all comedy songs. Reading these replies for this one is just encouragement to keep plugging away. 

               Thanks again,



(6 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Roger Guppy wrote:

Hi John,

I too would like to welcome you to Chordie and I am looking forward to seeing, and playing, some of your songs, so I do hope that you will post some on the Forum for us to play. I get a great deal of pleasure playing the new songs that are posted here, so please join in and enjoy Chordie.

I also run a MySpace called "Friends of Chordie" exclusively for Chordie members it a place where you can put recordings of your songs for Chordie members to hear if you have nowhere else to post them. Click on the 'Website' tag under my avatar and you can hear some of the other members recordings.


I just sent you a friend request on myspace..lol

There are some great songwriters listed above.  my personal favorites include:  John Prine, Steve Goodman and Billy Joe Shaver.


(8 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Hello all.  I just find this site while browsing the web looking for some new songs to learn. After reading through the several pages of the songs written on here I was amazed at the quality of the music and lyrics. I am basically a beginner at guitar playing and have attempted to write a few songs so I thought I would share them with you all and see what you thought.


the chords through the verses are: D,A,C,G and the chorus is F,C,Am,G
  D                                                     A
well I heard people talk about the big time
C                                          G
I heard them talk about the show
D                    A
But whatever it is....It's a hell of a gig
C                                          G
And I think it's time for me to go
D                                           A
He don't think i'm gonna make it
C                                           G
He never thought to much of me
D                                            A
He couldn't hear what I was playing
C                                         G
Even if he could he couldn't see

F                                            C             
So now I... wake up in the morning
Am                               G
Feeling like I failed again
F                                 C
Failure it aint nothing new
Am                                G
It's not trying thats the sin
F                                 C
I won't lose myself to life
Am                                G
but i might lose to life itself
F                                                C
I'll catch the lat train oughta nowhere
Am                                                 G 
I won't leave my dreams upon the shelf

Verse II
Look out on the cold and gray

through the windows of my mind

Looking for someplace to stay

Trying not to fall so far behind

Bovines wonder through the darkness

to the place where they all feed

I'm not a bovine in my heart love

I wonder where it all will lead

He still cant hear what i'm playing

I wonder if he'll ever see

I'll take the last train oughta nowhere

I'll let it go and let it be.

Repeat chorus

I heard people talk about the big time..

I heard them talk about the show

Whatever it is.. It's a hell of a gig

and I think it's time for me to go.........