Topic: comments on youtube

I was wondering if anyone else gets comments on youtube from folk that have no videos themselves.
I got a comment from some guy on my 3 songs from syd barrett. He was the 52nd person to comment and onl the 2nd or 3rd to have a bad comment on it, not bad I thought. I dont mind people having opinions and posting them but it is suprising that the vast majority of people that post negative comments are folk that do not have anything of their own to share.
Maybe they think they are too good to share their tallents, or maybe their tallent is making negative comments on others?
This guy told me to use a metromone, lol lol lol well he sure is not a syd barrett fan or he would know how great I do these songs, lol
I never claim to be fantastic but soe negative comments I have had over a few videos would suggest that because I have put it on I think t is great. I know some are really not so good but still I put them on jus to share and to get comments, good an bad. Only bad comments are from the non posters themselves.

Other bad comments I have had are from rangers fas because I sing fields of athenry ( celtic football fans sing this and rangers and eltic are rivals, even though the song is a folk song, they hate me for it)

So I was wondering if anyone in chordie does this. Do you have a chordie account just to give comments to folk without posting your own stuff?
Do you post a lot of negative comments?

I was always taught if you have nothing nice to say ten do say nothing. Not that I always go with that myself. But if I had an account without any of my own stuff I would not be spending time throwing out negative uneducated comments such as this guy done.
I could delete it but I like to keep all comments on good or bad.


ye get some that are cut out for the job and others just get by from pretending

Re: comments on youtube

Hey ken, I get the same things. The majority are good but you always have those one or two that have to show their ignorance. I don't mind constructive critisism, I actually encourage it , but some youtube posters have no tact at all. I often spam them and then block 'em. It's funny, If you go back through your vids in a month and check the ones you blocked 80% of them have had their accounts deleted, So I don't think it's personal, just how some people are. I never leave a bad comment. I was raised the same as you but if I come across someone that is struggling and could benifit from some friendly suggestyions, Then I'll offer a few pointers but never in a rude way... And yea I hate the fact that almost everyone that wants to critisize your playing are the ones that are afraid to post. I always ask them to post a vid of it to show me how it's done... They never do!
Overall ,though, I'd say youtube is still a very friendly place and the majority of it's members are respectable. -Pix

[b][color=#FF0000]If your brain is part of the process, you're missing it. You should play like a drowning man, struggling to reach shore. If you can trap that feeling, then you have something.
[/color][/b]         [b]Peace of mind. That's my piece of mind...[/b]

Re: comments on youtube

I don't have an account, but I look at things there all the time.  You know, as well as I, that the world is full of negativity.  Some people like to make you squirm.  I see YouTube as a place to put your material out to the world, be it good or bad.  Funny or sad.  We've all seen some really horrible playing and singing on it, but I just laugh to myself and move on.  At least they are brave enough to put it there in the first place.

You can see all my video covers on [url][/url]
I have finally found happiness in my life.  Guitars, singing, beer and camping.  And they all intertwine wonderfully.

Re: comments on youtube

Hi Ken,
  You know just as well as I that some people say things, totally unsubstantiated, simply to be condescending, disdainful, or overbearing. In every nook and cranny of the universe there's always gonna be "THAT" person. I know you know where I'm coming from. Don't let the jealous simpletons darken your day. I've seen your stuff on youtube and in my opinion, it's all first rate stuff!

Peace and Guitars,

Give everything but up.

Re: comments on youtube

You are so right!!! You remember Beavis And Butthead? Well those are the buttheads!! I don't have an account, just for that reason. I know I'm not the best singer or guitar player, and I don't need some rude arse telling me so with every curse word they know! And some they made up! I've seen some of your stuff on there upyerkilt and the vids you post are just fine. I would just ignore the rude people and keep posting. I guess I should take my own advice and post! I do have a myspace artist page, but have not posted anything, cus I'm still learning the in's and out's of recording.

A musician is someone with too much time on their hands! Thank god I'm a musician!!!

Re: comments on youtube

I do have a youtube page but I just dont seem to have the time to maintain it with all the other activity im involved with, and myspace is really the only one I do maintain, I remember last year I deleted my youtube account and I dont remember why I opened it again, so with the new year I most likely will remove it again and concentrate on myspace thats enough. smile

"Growing old is not for sissies"

Re: comments on youtube

Considering the stuff I have seen posted by so many others on YouTube.  I can only say, ignore the crap and just do what you want.  Seriously, some people just love to post negative or nasty comments because of the "anonymity" factor.  Stuff they wouldn't dare say in Public becomes "Ok" on the net.

Now, I want to hear stuff by fellow chordians on youtube, could you please pm or email me your links to your work.  I'd really like to hear.


"I don't have pet peeves...I have whole kennels of irritation."  --Whoopi Goldberg

Re: comments on youtube

I had one comment that I was using the wrong chords to a song so I wrote to the guy and it transpired that he was such an accomplished guitarist that he had not realised that you could transpose a song to suit your voice. Larf, I nearly larfed my bilinking head off. lol


"Do, or do not; there is no try"

Re: comments on youtube

ozymandias wrote:

Considering the stuff I have seen posted by so many others on YouTube.  I can only say, ignore the crap and just do what you want.  Seriously, some people just love to post negative or nasty comments because of the "anonymity" factor.  Stuff they wouldn't dare say in Public becomes "Ok" on the net.

Now, I want to hear stuff by fellow chordians on youtube, could you please pm or email me your links to your work.  I'd really like to hear.


There is a group page on youtube with chordians on it. I dont know if it will be named chordie group or chordians.

When i get home i will edit this and put a link to it.

And thank you to all replies so far. No comment has stopped me posting my stuff on it. I will continue and I will let the buttheads comment.
I was just wondering why we get so many idiots, but I guess without idiots in the world we would not all look as smart. lol


ye get some that are cut out for the job and others just get by from pretending

Re: comments on youtube

Tell you what.  I don't have a YouTube account, but I'll be happy to check in on yours and render a final decision as to your merit as a guitarist, musician, and all around person based on what is presented there. 


If your playing is half as entertaining as your chordie posts, I'm sure then that your posts are twice as good. 

- Zurf

Granted B chord amnesty by King of the Mutants (Long live the king).
If it comes from the heart and you add a few beers... it'll be awesome! - Mekidsmom
When in doubt ... hats. - B.G. Dude

Re: comments on youtube

OK, so I went to YouTube and looked you up.  Here's my final're quite good and welcome at my campfire anytime.  I very, very much liked the playing style you have where you maintain a great deal of economy in your picking.  You accompany yourself very well, and your voice is good, strong, clear, and in tune while still sounding untrained and raw (which I consider to be a good thing - it's more "true" somehow).   So, when you coming by?  I'm afraid my whiskey has an "e" in it.  My Scots friend tells me I'd enjoy my whisky more if I spelled it right. 

- Zurf

Granted B chord amnesty by King of the Mutants (Long live the king).
If it comes from the heart and you add a few beers... it'll be awesome! - Mekidsmom
When in doubt ... hats. - B.G. Dude

Re: comments on youtube

I've only ever been brave enough (or found the time to) to post one video of myself playing. It's a particularly bad version of Wild Mountain Thyme. I posted it anyway since that's more or less how you'd get it if you were sitting at my campfire or whatever. Mistakes and all. It's here...

The thing that get's me about the kind of folk Ken is talking about is not the fact that they post negative comments, but that they are so very abusive and with sometimes extremely offensive language. And also that they never have anything posted of their own. Maybe they have a different account for posting than they have for abusing.

P.S. I like the comment about the whisky spelling, Zurf. Consider it stolen.

Is anything really made up of zeros and ones??

Re: comments on youtube

I checked you out, Alvee.  You sound great to me.  You can put more songs on YouTube without any embarassment, in my opinion.
And I checked upyerkilt and he also sounds great.  Well....I didn't really check upyerkilt, if you know what I mean.

You can see all my video covers on [url][/url]
I have finally found happiness in my life.  Guitars, singing, beer and camping.  And they all intertwine wonderfully.

14 (edited by Headcase 2008-12-16 15:38:15)

Re: comments on youtube

Hi Ken, first let's get one thing out of the way.  I am a Rangers Supportor from Belfast,
however, I've been singing The Fields of Atnenry for years.
OK, that sorted, I have listened to your songs on Y Tube, and they sound fine to me, I;m an old Folk fan from way back; like [BC], but your songs as I said sounded fine, and I could see,
that you put everything you had into them, as for the knockers, most could hardly play a,
paper and comb, egnore them.
As for The Fields of Atnenry, I watched your version, at first you could'nt get the key with your voice, but you did not let that stop you and carried on and finished the song, on TV that took guts, something your kockers don't have.
As I said pay then no heed, I'm sure you know the difference between, a well ment critisism,
and some ignoramus who can't read, let alone have the nerve to go public.
I say keep it up.  From a Rangers Fan.

Luck and Health to al!!!

Re: comments on youtube

alvee33 wrote:

I've only ever been brave enough (or found the time to) to post one video of myself playing. It's a particularly bad version of Wild Mountain Thyme. I posted it anyway since that's more or less how you'd get it if you were sitting at my campfire or whatever. Mistakes and all. It's here...

The thing that get's me about the kind of folk Ken is talking about is not the fact that they post negative comments, but that they are so very abusive and with sometimes extremely offensive language. And also that they never have anything posted of their own. Maybe they have a different account for posting than they have for abusing.

P.S. I like the comment about the whisky spelling, Zurf. Consider it stolen.

I liked it.   As for people being offensive and abusive, well, just consider them internet vandals, people who get off by trashing other people's hard work.   And if people are like that, they are not posting their work and I doubt they have anything anyway.  They're just a bunch of TROLLS.  Just don't feed them, if they can't get their poops and giggles in one place they'll find it someplace else.

Anyway, I look forward to seeing others works!


"I don't have pet peeves...I have whole kennels of irritation."  --Whoopi Goldberg

Re: comments on youtube

Great version! Really enjoyed watching and listening. Continue on posting. very well done!
Maybe someday I'll sign up and post my version of something, who knows. upyerkilt, here's an idea. If you should decide to respond back, I would say something like: I'm very sorry you feel the way you do 'bout my humble attempt to play this song! Maybe you could post your version of the song. I look forward to hearing it. Please have a nice day.
                                                                                      sincerely - up yers!
That ought to throw them off a bit.

A musician is someone with too much time on their hands! Thank god I'm a musician!!!

Re: comments on youtube

thanks all and a big big thank you to Zurf. I will let ye know when i am coming over. And whiskey also is ok, or the few I have tried are.

I never really meant this to be an uperkilt appreciation thread lol but i do appreciate ll the comments.

And Alvee,

I posted a comment on yer song. I liked it a lot! I think ye should accept an invite next year sometime to a visit to a bothy and bring yer guitar along.


ye get some that are cut out for the job and others just get by from pretending

Re: comments on youtube


You keep doing what your doing if you enjoy it, "To Hell or Connaght" with the begrugers.

Your not looking for there approval. Don't even reply ! you will feed there deflated ego. They just need
to get a real life..

Alvee ! youd have been so proud of my backing to your singing lol. My friends in Rostrevor " the 2 Gerry's  and Deirdra
always finish the session on that song. Everyone there stands , clasps hands with the person next to them. Its always one big collective group singing. brilliant !   Only one thing missing ! No bacardi and coke to toast you Sir. lol

Very well done to you all.

Old Doll.

Why Blend in with the Crowd ? When you were made to stand out !

Re: comments on youtube

A toast to all of you that show your work on YouTube.  And I hope to see them all!  Post the link and I'll go thru them, everyone.  And my comments will be constructive!

Kudos and cheers!

Will Brandy suffice??  <grin>

"I don't have pet peeves...I have whole kennels of irritation."  --Whoopi Goldberg

Re: comments on youtube

Hi Ken,
I've been to your site a few times and I have noticed those comments and have just shook my head in disbelief.Then I started to look at other sites and found that there are rude people all over the net. I can picture them hunched over their computer, patting themselves on the back and snickering for a post well done.They have small minds with no sense of imagination if you ask me.
To all Chordies posting on Youtube...Have fun, keep at it and post your links here so your friends can have a listen. smile

Hey alvee33, Thanks for the post.That is the first time I've heard that song and I really enjoyed the listen. Good for you for the post and great job on it. smile Looking forwards to more


Just Keepin on Keepin on
Martin DC15E
Cort MR710F
Squire Strat (Chinese)

Re: comments on youtube

I have Asperger's Syndrome and when I first found out about forums and spent a lot of time on them.  It shocked and then sickened me about the number of "TROLLS" who would come on just for the joy of provoking fights, creating discord and just plain trying to bully others.   I learned the hard way that small minds are not worth large amounts of energy.  As KAP54, succinctly posted, these people have nothing better to do.   

alvee33, I like the uptempo version you did of "Wild Mountain Thyme".  The only version I ever heard was done slowly.  Which is fine for some songs.  But, my teacher showed me an uptempo version of "Star of the County Down" and that was quite lovely.

Either way, there are many interpretations of a tune or tunes.  And whatever pleases the ear of each individual works.

"I don't have pet peeves...I have whole kennels of irritation."  --Whoopi Goldberg

Re: comments on youtube

ozymandias wrote:

small minds are not worth large amounts of energy

Hard to say it any better than that!

- Zurf

Granted B chord amnesty by King of the Mutants (Long live the king).
If it comes from the heart and you add a few beers... it'll be awesome! - Mekidsmom
When in doubt ... hats. - B.G. Dude

Re: comments on youtube

Zurf wrote:
ozymandias wrote:

small minds are not worth large amounts of energy

Hard to say it any better than that!

- Zurf

Some folks suffer from Optical Rectalitice.In other words they have a crappy outlook on life.

When the Power of Love overcomes The Love of Power the world will be a better place.

Re: comments on youtube

Thanks for the encouragement folks. Very much appreciated. I've been meaning to do more but never seem to get the time, or the house to myself lol

I've long been an admirer of Ken's, and others like him, who put a load of there work out there. I'm slowly getting a few songs together well enough to give it a go.

I'd also suggest to most begginers of all levels to have a go at recording yourself. It shows you what others see and hear, which can be a great help. Go on!

Thanks again.

Is anything really made up of zeros and ones??

Re: comments on youtube

deadstring wrote:
Zurf wrote:
ozymandias wrote:

small minds are not worth large amounts of energy

Hard to say it any better than that!

- Zurf

Some folks suffer from Optical Rectalitice.In other words they have a crappy outlook on life.

Good one, deadstring, good one! 


"I don't have pet peeves...I have whole kennels of irritation."  --Whoopi Goldberg