Topic: Thanks to All

Hell-o to my friends at CHORDIE.

This is a letter of thanks and appreciation to all those who work at, and contribute to Chordie. About a "hundred" years ago, back in the late 60's- early 70's, I was the front man for a rock'n'roll revival group called "Johnny Vitalis & the Brylcreem Kids, featuring the V.O.5's + Conditioner" We had quite a bit of local success, with some tours in southern Ontario, Canada. After that life grabbed hold,things moved on, marriages, carreers, etc..For the last twenty years I have picked up a guitar a dozen times and attempted to learn. Not being able to find music, lyrics, chords, trying not to scatch the shit out of albums for lyrics, buying $40 books to get two songs etc. became too much hassle and would get dropped again.About Five years ago I got married for the first time and lo and behold this fine young lady had a computer.Stumbling through sites one evening I stumbled upon CHORDIE!!!!!  I know this sounds kind of "corny" but it has changed my life!!!!!With the help of CHORDIE, being able to find songs instantly with chords, lyrics, transposing, and the help of people like James McCormick(simply the best) I now can hold my own as a decent rythm player, have about a two hundred song list, and my wife and I have begun playing local venues as a dou.(she plays piano)We have quit our "reg" jobs and opened up a small buisness from our home. This was only possible becaues of the extra income from playing, wich was only possible because of CHORDIE. Our stress levels are way down and our fun level is way up.So again, THANK-YOU, THANK-YOU, THANK-YOU, to every-one at CHORDIE, keep doing what your doing 'cause sometimes it effects people more than you know.


            a.k.a. Johnny V.


did I say thank-you

Re: Thanks to All


Good to hear you enjoy this great site and even better that it has helped you get out and do what you do.

Good luck to you and yer wife.

If ye ever come to scotland bring yer guitar and play in a few pubs, I might even come and see you.

All the best


ye get some that are cut out for the job and others just get by from pretending

Re: Thanks to All

Hey Ken;

That might not be as far-fetched as you think. A fomer bass player of mine's younger brother played over in the Scotland, England Area. Any chance that you ran into a very good and rrowdy fellow named Carl Wollinger on your travels?? Any way thanks for the encouragement.
