Topic: Blindingly Simple Recording Technique!!!!!!


If you have an Apple laptop with a built in camera try this:

Turn on Imovie and open a new file

Imovie automatically senses that there is no camera attached and switches to the Isight camera

Adjust the screen to set up the camera and hit record

Play the song

Go to effects and add a bit of echo or reverb

Share (export) the file

Upload it to youtube as required

Here is an example

I am a crap player but you can see and hear the results

There is also a version of Creep by Radiohead on my page that was recorded in Garageband and then presented using Imovie

It is all very easy to use!!!!


Re: Blindingly Simple Recording Technique!!!!!!

Michael thanks for sharing this information im sure anyone with an apple laptop who wants to record a video can benifit from this smile

"Growing old is not for sissies"

Re: Blindingly Simple Recording Technique!!!!!!

Does anyone know how to do this with a PC? Or, can you point me to the information if it's already been posted.



Re: Blindingly Simple Recording Technique!!!!!!

4 yea if you have a web cam but if not you would need a digital camara that shoots movies or a camcorder as far as editing the sound what you hear is generally what you get I use a kodak 8.3 megapixel and it downloads to my pc,there are some less expensive camcorders for around 40 or 50 dollars that will also do the job ok but unless you have some video editing program the sound quality really cant be adjusted smile

"Growing old is not for sissies"

Re: Blindingly Simple Recording Technique!!!!!!

From an IT dunce:

Is it not possible to attach a Web-Cam and record into some Windows media program?

<-----<< On an even field, only talent prevails! >>----->
   Gans Gwarak da yn dorn yu lel, gwyr lowen an golon!
        >>-----> [color=#FF0000]Rudhes[/color] hag [color=yellow]Owres[/color], Kajima <-----<<

Re: Blindingly Simple Recording Technique!!!!!!

KajiMa i never have tried it, most web cams like mine(logitec) have there own microphones as well as video effects and the sound can be adjusted but I dont know if media player has reverb that can be added after, it would be interesting if this were possible smile

KajiMa wrote:

From an IT dunce:

Is it not possible to attach a Web-Cam and record into some Windows media program?

"Growing old is not for sissies"

Re: Blindingly Simple Recording Technique!!!!!!

KajiMa wrote:

From an IT dunce:

Is it not possible to attach a Web-Cam and record into some Windows media program?

I believe Window Movie Maker on Xp will capture video from a camera. I have not tried to myself though.
I used a deicated program..

Re: Blindingly Simple Recording Technique!!!!!!

Ark I know it will but im pretty sure it cant add effects like reverb just video effects I have used it many times but dont recall a mixer with effects but you never know lol

arkady wrote:
KajiMa wrote:

From an IT dunce:

Is it not possible to attach a Web-Cam and record into some Windows media program?

I believe Window Movie Maker on Xp will capture video from a camera. I have not tried to myself though.
I used a deicated program..

"Growing old is not for sissies"

Re: Blindingly Simple Recording Technique!!!!!!

Your right no Fx on the Movie maker just fade in and out on audio side...
I thought "record" was just on the video side from a webcam..
Just burned a CD of my songs. Saving in CD format on disc certainly is an improvement in sound quality over MP3..
What's weather like your side of the pond nice spring day here smile

Re: Blindingly Simple Recording Technique!!!!!!

rainy,windy,cold,crappy but its great to be alive lol

"Growing old is not for sissies"