Topic: No Beatles Chords?!?!?!

Why is it that even though my ISP is based out of the US, and I connect to chordie from the US, I still cannot get Beatles chords and the excuse is that they have blocked access to users from the UK?
And also, some beatles songs just flat out say the copyright is a problem... People who post these songs on the internet have to figure them out for themselves in many cases. Sometimes they copy from the chord book, but there's no proving it either way. How can it be copyright infringement if people figure it out themselves, and post it for others to use for their own entertainment?!?!

Re: No Beatles Chords?!?!?!

Bratface... I'm sorry to hear that you're having a problem with this.  The website admin (owner) has had problems and has had to remove/block some songs.  Here's a link to a thread with some more information.  It's not necessarily the answer you're looking for, but a discussion of what's been happening with that issue:

Art and beauty are in the eyes of the beholder.
What constitutes excellent music is in the ears of the listener.

Re: No Beatles Chords?!?!?!

I you don't mind trying another site, here are some Beatles lyrics and tabs.

Later, Wayne P

Re: No Beatles Chords?!?!?!

Thanks for the links. I don't see why companies find it appropriate to do this.

Re: No Beatles Chords?!?!?!

A lot of people agree with you Bratface.  It's kind of like the big music sharing companies like Napster... you can't share music anymore (and there's a lot of debate even about putting video or mp3 of a cover song that you've done online)... next will be sites like this having to pay a penny to the original songwriter every time someone wants a tab.  It's all about the money and to some it's just "business".  Of course to us, we just want to enjoy music!

Art and beauty are in the eyes of the beholder.
What constitutes excellent music is in the ears of the listener.