Topic: help identifying a song from the 80s

looking to the title and artist for a song popular in the early 80s, that I mistitled "wait a little while" but i've searched for anything by that title, plus a dozen other possible titles suggested by the lyrics, and can't find anything. I thoughit it was by Loggins and Messina, or Kenny Loggins, and then remembered it had kind of a Doobie Brothers feel. ---- but still no luck. Can anyone mind meld with this description and get me a title? an artist? I love the tune. I have the lyrics, but no chords and it's not a simple 1-4-5 so i need some help. vanWink

Re: help identifying a song from the 80s

Hi van and welcome to Chordie. Post some of the lyrics and someone will know

Re: help identifying a song from the 80s

Hi vanwink

There is definitely a song called "Wait a Little While" by Kenny Loggins.  I have done a quick search but can only find the lyrics.  If you can link to a video of the song somebody may be able to help you with the chords. 


All things good to know are difficult to learn.
Greek Proverb

Re: help identifying a song from the 80s

Do a search on youtube with some of the lyrics and see what you come up with!  If you find it, you can link to the song here and then some can help you out hopefully.  You can't actually post lyrics on the forum (unless they are your own writing), but you can post a one liner to give us a hint of the song.  Let us know what you find vanwink!  smile  AND... welcome to Chordie!!

Art and beauty are in the eyes of the beholder.
What constitutes excellent music is in the ears of the listener.