Topic: Night Owls?

Who here considers themselves a night owl?  I was just wondering, because late night is the only time I seem to be truly awake. It seems like no one ever appears to be in these  forums during my hours...well...maybe that is a sign that I should get a day job.

My guitars: Gibson Les Paul Vintage Mahogony and Ibanez AE40 TEL acoustic.
My equipment: Peavey 100w combo (198?) and an ancient (1970's?) Crate 100w combo. A PODxt.

Re: Night Owls?

hello Pefenheitennaught I'm not a nite owl but I'm always up real early in the morning even on my day off. Five to six hours of sleep a nite. Oh well the early bird gets the

Take Care... Badeye.

one caper after another

Re: Night Owls?

At the moment I'm getting ready for a show, so I'm definately a night owl right now. But then again, I hardly ever sleep anyway!

Re: Night Owls?

Hi pefenheitenaught - Like badeye, I'm an early riser.  Gotta get my sleep and then I'm up early getting my day started.  Love the quiet early morning and hearing the day come alive.  James

"That darn Pythagorean Comma thing keeps messing me up!"

Re: Night Owls?

Welcome Pefenheitennaught (where did you get your nickname?). I was always convinced that I was a NIGHT OWL, and 300% from my 20 to my 45 years. I succeeded every year at school, and university, never had to start over, and creating tons of jealousy, because, more in my university period, I was able to create a fantastic night life, with fantastic friends, fantastic girlfriends, and more than fantastic booze. I was a natural born night owl. The jealousy was easy to explain, while others, mostly spotted in the front row of the college banks, studying day and night, afraid to learn more about the peoples university, didn't understand that I spent most part of THAT life in student bars, and succeeding always. Today, I am not longer that night owl, I used to be (there's a shadow hanging over me, lala). I am unable to work, because of a total body destruction due to an accident (2000), and in all my days I spent in Hospitals I noticed that, remaining on a single room, I was the only person awake, watching movies or other things.
Now, I am physically so tired that I started to go to bed, now about 8 months (I never went to sleep before 02.00h) I go to sleep around 23.00h. This "transition" was flawless, and Istarted thinking that my bed and sleep had their reasons. If you told me this 1 year ago, I would have been killed by laughing, because sleeping = loosing time, and afraid to miss something.
Honest: I am glad like it is now, getting out of my bed early the last few months, and not working since 3 years, I must tell you that my days are to short: PC-GUITAR-PC-downloading and burning songs on blanc CD's - watching movies, play some more guitar.
Is it my age (almost 52), I don't think so, but I am transforming from a moth into a butterfly.
A moth is an insect I really don't know why they live: they appear from the moment you turn on a light, sitting outside in my garden, and they all go to that light, during the day, they have more light, so wwhat is their meaning of life?

[color=blue]- GITAARDOCPHIL SAIS: TO CONQUER DEAD, YOU HAVE TO DIE[/color]   AND [color=blue] we are born to die[/color]
[color=blue]Civilization began the first time an angry person cast a word instead of a rock.[/color]

Re: Night Owls?

Ah well apparently moths use the moon as a navigational aid, and since the invention of artificial light they get a tad confused.

aka ......   Boxer Petal....<3

Re: Night Owls?

Hi you  with the lovely long name!

Are you sure your not from Neenagh, in The County Of Tipperary? with a name like that!
To answer you question! I love to work hard, feel tired! Extreme Makeover, and enjoy the night! Its to do with i think? My love of socially connecting with people!  Only now its a lot less then it used to be! Takes me longer to get over the late nights!
Ah Shucks age has crept up on me i guess! and in your case time zones can be a problem? Just move to Europe!! Problem solved!


Old Doll.

Why Blend in with the Crowd ? When you were made to stand out !

Re: Night Owls?

i wake at 6am on auto,i usually beat the alarm clock and at weekend i still wake even though i could have a lie in.thats life i suppose...

love is life ,life is for love,keep a true heart and live life to the full....stay cool

Re: Night Owls?

Hi pefenheitenaught
Welcome to Chordie.

I can't say I'm a night owl or claim to be an early riser just an Mr average where sleep patterns are concerned abit boring really.:)

I looked at post
Things We Hate...Or at least Dislike VERY MUCH!! and oh dear! your've pitched me right in it there.
Seem some of our Chordians (expression coined docphil) are getting some what heated under collar again and very interesting it is to.
I guess what I mean't by the statement The Dislike of Extreme views or behaviour religious or political of anykind was  that mostly their outcome leads to violence in the world and this is what I Hate.

Most if not all Wars in history have been started by People Holding extremes views Political or religious and millions of lives lost to their aims.

Don't get me wrong I did'nt mind being quoted. Just thought I should clarify my statement.



Re: Night Owls?

im that oh so made fun of type of night owl that likes to stay up all night and make it up till 11 or 12 the next day lol... if I know i need to get up i usually set my limit at around 11:30 or midnight. My excuse would be I have a lot of trouble falling to sleep even if i'm exhausted. guess thats why i just gave up and got up instead. on important days when i know im gonna need energy i take sleeping pills so i can get some rest but i just hate to get addicted by using them every night

All You Need is Love smile

Re: Night Owls?

Hey pefenheitenaught,
Not sure if I am a night owl, but I work at one job from around 2pm until midnight, and then start my next job at 5.30am and that goes through to around 1pm.  And then I do it all again !  Every 4th week I work from midnight to 7am and then straight to my next job until 3pm, then sleep.  Unlike last_rebel I never have a problem going to sleep.  I could fall asleep right now!  There is something really good about being exhusted all the time...............I just haven't found what yet?

"If You Always Do What You've Always Done - You'll Always Get What You've Always Got !"