Again Pink Floyd? YES, but totally different, no best songs, no best band, just their songs.
Probably there will be chordians who noticed the same.
I was listening to "another brick in the wall" ... teacher leave us kids alone, I played along with this song, without thinking, followed by "shine on your crazy diamond" when I realised that the chords they use were almost all basic chords. I tried a 3th song, "mother" playing and singing loud, I love that song so much, and I got a confirmation.
They use simple chords, like C, E, D , A, or some minor chords, like Am, Em, and that was all.
This brings me to the question: how is it possible, that using almost only basic chords, they became so huge and famous? Is it magic, chemistry? I go for the arrangements, and producer(s), they are considered as the best "psychedelic" group, end sixties, they also used strange sounds, listen to the song MONEY, or the helicopter sound on the WALL album.
I am trying to figure it out, but I don't find an answer.

So I do hope that there are people, giving their opinion, about the fact to create this great music, using the chords I mentioned.
If you listen to the Beatles, they have a lot of beautiful, melodic and catchy tunes, but if you try to play their songs, they use a lot more complicated chords.

[color=blue]- GITAARDOCPHIL SAIS: TO CONQUER DEAD, YOU HAVE TO DIE[/color]   AND [color=blue] we are born to die[/color]
[color=blue]Civilization began the first time an angry person cast a word instead of a rock.[/color]


Firstly Lieven
The beatles compliacted chords??? NA, not at all, they used a lot of G7 C, F.

Pink floyd created such great music with the use of the synths they used and loops. They were heavily into expirementing with synths and coloured lights.
I thin kin the 60's when people were out of it with LSD they loved the colours from the lights etc, Syd loved this a lot and sometimes sat and looked at the light show instead of actually performing ( yes, he was out his face)
But as for the music. Simple chords yes, but the arangments with the drums and keyboards added a lot more to "simple stuff" and also the synth loops gave it extra sounds that made it sound complicated.
But they did use a lot of weird complicated chords as well, In the song Breathe from dark side, that is not your basic chords. And there are more but I would have to look them up.

I read somewhere online that you can play any song with E A B7, I dont know if that is 100% correct or not, but it shows that even if every song cannot get played like that and only half the songs ever written could then it doesnt matter how simple the chords are, you can always get a great song.

I know a few songs that have 2 chords and they are excellent songs. The melody of the singing carries the song

Also, with Floyds early song. Syd was very influenced by blues, even though it does not sound like it. He would have naturally used simple chords for his songs as blues does.
But even on much later album "momentary lapse of reason, they use simple chords too in most songs I think. Or you could transpose them into easy chords.

good subject mate, never a bad subject when it involves pink floyd ,lol


ye get some that are cut out for the job and others just get by from pretending