Topic: Greatest Bass Groove - Tramp

Been practising it all weekend, here's clip;

Utterly infectious groovesomeness!

'The sound of the city seems to disappear'

Re: Greatest Bass Groove - Tramp

sorry Cytania but I had to take your tab out.

tabs and chords ofr artists songs cannot be manually put in chordie, only thru the "add song to list"


ye get some that are cut out for the job and others just get by from pretending

Re: Greatest Bass Groove - Tramp

Errm.... how about start with G on the E string with your first finger, pause then rock over nearby to D on the A string with your ring finger and then back to F on the D string, then it's D on the A string again followed by G on the D string?

'The sound of the city seems to disappear'