Topic: no tabs over xmas !

I was very much upset not to be able to access Chordie and my songbook over xmas

However my family and friends have expressed great relief and hope this will become an annual event !

anyone got any tips on handling rebellious audiences ?

Lurkio XX

Re: no tabs over xmas !

Hello my name is Chris Hodnett I know a little about keeping an audience happy. My advice to you is just learn some songs that they might know and if you are just starting to play then this would be a great chance to learn and show them. I play in a mariachi band, and i just learned the guitar 2 yrs ago, but now i am playing a instrument called the guitaron,(bass). Just learn some basic songs, i am just learning tab but i have some songs down already. I don't know if that answers you question, but i hope it does.

Re: no tabs over xmas !

lurkio Im A teen So i might sound a little rebellious, But if they dont like your talent they have problems. Hey and shortmann A MARIACHI band Thats awesome.:)