1 (edited by theclam 2007-05-28 10:43:07)

Topic: "Corrections" in my songbook


Sorry if this is a very newbie question - I can't seem to find the answer anywhere.

I've put together a songbook of "ukulele friendly" music. Virtually all of it is meant for guitar, and a lot of it has tab included. Obviously guitar tab is useless if you're playing on a ukulele, so I would like to be able to strip it out, just for the purposes of my ukulele songbook.

My question is, is there any way to edit a song locally, without affecting the real (searchable) version of it?

That way I can clean up my songbook without removing perfectly correct tab for everyone else. There wouldn't seem to be much point in having my edited versions in the index as they would just be the same as existing ones minus the tab.


Re: "Corrections" in my songbook

Hello theclam,

May I welcome to you to the Chordie forum as this is your first posting here, although if you have a songbook you have been using Chordie a while.

In answer to your question - edit away. Any editing you do in your songbook stays there. It is available for others to see if you make it public but it does not alter the original song.

Alterations to an original song are only made by opening it and clicking on the 'correct this song' tab at the bottom of the page.


"Do, or do not; there is no try"

Re: "Corrections" in my songbook

Excellent news. That will make my uke songbook much cleaner.

Thanks for your help!
