Topic: NGD - GAS justified!!

This might be a long post.

So last week I received "my" new (I'll explain "my" in a bit) Epiphone DR-100 that I bought on Ebay. I'm not posting any pics because it's nothing special just a straight forward beginners guitar. Total I spent was $61.

Some back story on the reason I was looking for another guitar:

I have volunteered at an after school program for the past 10 years. The program itself is based on tutoring/mentoring 1st thru 12th grade at risk/under-served kids in my town. That's just a nice way of saying low income. I myself run part of our recreation program. Homework just doesn't fit me all that well so I use other talents that I have.  So, for the past three years we have had access to an old mansion that was bought by a man who had a dream to restore it and open it up to kids. I.E. boys & girls club, YMCA kids, etc.. Just this past year they have implemented a workshop series in which the kids can take classes. Cooking, sports, self defense, photography, art, bike riding (this one I ran), and guitar are some of the classes. It really is an awesome program. One day I get to the mansion to set up the bikes and there was a youth group there to help. I'm making my way to the bike storage area and around the corner comes my guitar student (I've had him now for a few months). Fast forward to the end of the day. We are all sitting on the stairs at the gate of the mansion since the kids had just been picked up. Myself and my "boss" are talking about how the day went and I mention that my student was there. She was very surprised when she found out that I played guitar. I don't know why, I have told her before. She then suggested that if it was ever too hot to ride bikes I could take them into teach guitar. Just me and 10-13 kids on guitar just wouldn't fly as a last minute change. Fast forward another week or so. The idea hit me that we should have a guitar at our facility. We have lots of volunteers and you never know when a guitar will come in handy. So I have been seriously looking for the past few months. Let me tell you, I missed out on LOTS of deals on ebay because I had a limited budget. This is why it's "my" guitar, I bought it and if we were to ever shut down I would bring it home, but I'm gonna leave it at out our facility. The Epiphone should be great for my needs, i do need to put new strings on and lower the action but other than that it's good.

About GAS being justified. My wife didn't like the idea of another guitar. But I told her that if one kid gets interested just by me or someone else playing the Epi then it was worth it. She was better with that so I proceeded. I am kicking myself tho. I sold my first Ibanez just a few months ago. That would have been perfect for my needs. What an idiot I am. Although, it was harder to play than my others so I guess it was for the best.

On a side note, just a few days ago one of our volunteers was asking around about a guitar teacher. I told her that I play and I have a student. She was excited, so it looks like I will have another student. It will be gratis for her since she is part of our program, as I would offer any of our kids the same deal.

Whew, a little long winded but there's my story.

Keep Rockin!!!!!!!!!!!

Re: NGD - GAS justified!!

Zguitar, you found a need for a guitar and you filled it. Unfortunately you had to pay for the guitar but young folks will be able to enjoy it.
I hope income from another student will compensate you.
I was at a tiki bar in the Virgin Islands on vacation. I noticed a classical guitar hanging on the wall. I asked the bartender whose guitar it was and she said it was for anybody who wanted to play. She told me Jimmy Buffet stopped by once and took it down and played a few tunes.
Naturally, I had to get it down, tune it up and scrub off a tune or two.
What a good idea. Since then I have been on small cruise ships and tiny bars where even an inexpensive cheap guitar available for anyone to play would have added much to an evening's enjoyment. Even a really bad player on an acoustic guitar wouldn't be loud enough to be a problem.

We pronounce it "Guf Coast".
Ya'll wanna go down to the Guf?

Re: NGD - GAS justified!!

I think it's great that you not only donate your time but also have now "donated" a guitar to the kids.  It's probably best if you say it's "yours" so they will respect it more and not beat on it, but I get the gist... it's really for them.  Good for you!  smile  Very kind!

Art and beauty are in the eyes of the beholder.
What constitutes excellent music is in the ears of the listener.

Re: NGD - GAS justified!!

Yep, it was a long post but the intent was well explained. I admire your social conscience and conviction.
Good on you Mate.
All the best

Not one drop of my self worth depends on your acceptance of me.
"Quincy Jones"

Re: NGD - GAS justified!!

That's a nice story! Always good to acquire another guitar, for whatever reason, but even better in such a good cause...

" Old Guy is Rocking"
Simon & Patrick Pro Flamed Maple (mmm, nice...)
Norman ST68 acoustic

Re: NGD - GAS justified!!

Very good, zguitar.  I am looking forward in time, maybe a year or two and I see you teaching 20 kids with several more guitars donated to your cause.

You can see all my video covers on [url][/url]
I have finally found happiness in my life.  Guitars, singing, beer and camping.  And they all intertwine wonderfully.

Re: NGD - GAS justified!!

good story,   great job donating the guitar,   

badeye    cool

one caper after another

Re: NGD - GAS justified!!

Kudos zguitar. If more people took an interest in what's going on in their towns, neighborhoods,and schools maybe it would make a difference. I try to volunteer what little free time I have helping the school booster club. Nothing worth talking about but I feel it's helping support school athletics which in turn may make a difference in somebodies life. Hope your teaching these kids doesn't go unrewarded even if your reward is only a little self gratification. Keep rockin

Don't take life too seriously, you're not getting out alive anyway

Re: NGD - GAS justified!!


Granted B chord amnesty by King of the Mutants (Long live the king).
If it comes from the heart and you add a few beers... it'll be awesome! - Mekidsmom
When in doubt ... hats. - B.G. Dude

Re: NGD - GAS justified!!

Thanks for all the kind words. While it did satisfy my GAS pains for the moment what I'm really looking forward to is if someone bites and gets interested.

Keep Rockin!!!!!!!!!!!

Re: NGD - GAS justified!!


So I did some work on the Epi yesterday. New strings, cut a sound port, cleaned it up. Looks like someone had done some work on it before.  At lest two frets had been replaced and the saddle was shimmed up with a thin piece of plastic and a small zip tie. Funny , the zip tie is actually a good fit for the bridge cut out. The saddle needs to come up a bit more so the zip tie is going bye bye. But all in all it will be a nice guitar for what I need.

Keep Rockin!!!!!!!!!!!