Topic: What chord is this??

Good morning everyone..... and all the best of the season!

   I've been playing around with a blues riff I made up and I can't find a certian chord in the chord chart. It's an A7th (open chord) with my little finger planted on the third fret of the high E string (G note). I would be gratful if some one could tell me what this is. Thanks so much!!!


Re: What chord is this??

welcome to chordie wade,I have always played an a7th on the  b on the second fret and d second fret.I am not sure of your chord,but the one I am using is very common on most blues songs. happy holidays too you also!!

my papy said son your going too drive me too drinking if you dont stop driving that   Hot  Rod  Lincoln!! Cmdr cody and his lost planet airman

Re: What chord is this??

Hi Wade and welcome to Chordie,

Left click on the chord grid and you will see all the A7 variations.

Chordpro error: The song does not contain chords. Please include at least two chords in brackets within the text, like this: [C7].

Alternatively use this site for finding and naming chords:


"Do, or do not; there is no try"

Re: What chord is this??

Thanks guys...... my query is answered. It is just another way of doing A7. And may I say it's great being part of Chordie!!


Re: What chord is this??

welcome wade!