Topic: Fretless?

Okay so I saw my friend playing the violin the other day and was amazed to know it doesn't have frets, and my friend could still play a specific note.  So sitting here I thought of it and looked up fret less guitars, does anyone have any experience with one of these?

"A bad note is only a fret or two away from a good note."  Anonymous

Re: Fretless?

No experience. Never seen one. But I like your user name. tongue

"absolutely epic and really really loud" ~Zurf
                      Life right?
Katie tongue

Re: Fretless?

Well my mom is "mekidsmom"

"A bad note is only a fret or two away from a good note."  Anonymous

Re: Fretless?

Memomskid would have been cool too. 

I have a fretless electric bass.  I have not heard of a fretless guitar.  It's all muscle memory and very, very carefully listening to yourself play.  The nice thing about it is that if your string goes out of tune while you're playing, all you have to do to correct it is to adjust where your finger is a slight bit.  That's one of the reasons I rarely ever play open notes on the bass.  The other reason is that it made transposing a whole lot simpler.  The not nice thing is that it requires precision of where you put your finger down.  You can not put it down anywhere kind of close to the fret and get the right note.  However, because no one is that tremendously precise, fretless basses have a distinctive groovy sound when played at or above the seventh fret.  The further up the neck, the groovier it is because the little bit less precise the tone is (because there's smaller spaces between notes - any deviation has a larger effect).  To enhance the 'fretless sound', I put flatwound strings on mine.  Sooooo smooooooth.  It's like playing strings made out of butter. 

All electric basses used to be fretless just like double basses used in orchestras.  It was Fender that first put frets on an electric bass to add precision to the tone that was played.  Thus the name "Fender Precision Bass."

Granted B chord amnesty by King of the Mutants (Long live the king).
If it comes from the heart and you add a few beers... it'll be awesome! - Mekidsmom
When in doubt ... hats. - B.G. Dude

5 (edited by Guitarpix 2012-03-22 01:20:23)

Re: Fretless?

Fender was the first to Mass produce it but Audiovox offered a 4 string fretted "Guitar shaped" bass in their 1935 catalog (invented by Paul Tutmarc) that I believe was the first...  And then in '47 there was the "Serenade" brand made by Tutmarcs son.   Neither gained much popularity though... Fender carried the idea to mass production in the 50's with the Precision bass.

Reading your post got me interested and i started doing a little researching smile

[b][color=#FF0000]If your brain is part of the process, you're missing it. You should play like a drowning man, struggling to reach shore. If you can trap that feeling, then you have something.
[/color][/b]         [b]Peace of mind. That's my piece of mind...[/b]

6 (edited by jets60 2012-03-22 02:03:39)

Re: Fretless?

There is actually a web site for them called

Looks interesting.

Here is a link to a cool sound clipfromf an unfretted guitar. It's got an interesting sound. … _thing.mp3

J  E  T  S
...and yet a Washington Commanders fan (unless they change their name again) ...long story...HTT...C

Re: Fretless?

mekidsmom_son wrote:

Well my mom is "mekidsmom"

LOL, I know!

"absolutely epic and really really loud" ~Zurf
                      Life right?
Katie tongue

Re: Fretless?

When I was unsuccessfully trying to learn the cello, which is of course, fretless, my teacher put masking tape at the point where the frets would be. Over time, muscle memory led me to put my fingers, more or less, at the right point. Listening helped make adjustments in pitch. I've thought about what it would be like to play a fretless guitar--I'd kinda like to see how it would be to play one.

Re: Fretless?

More stringed instruments than not are fretless.   Guitars are the weird ones.   Frankly, the thought of it scares me.  smile

The best fretless guitar guy on the planet, IMO, is a dude named Ed DeGenero.  He used to be local up here, but now resides in Malibu.  On the internet, he hangs out a bit at, too.

Someday we'll win this thing...


Re: Fretless?

Never heard of a fretless guitar, but I've seen lots of fretless basses.
