Phill Williams wrote:what about that guy who's invented a plastic gun and wants to put the plans on the internet so any dick can make one?
Well Phill, here's the thing. I could rant for hours about this, but I won't.
Only for a few minutes. 
I realize there is a VAST cultural difference between the US and the UK, and I feel at least SOMEWHAT qualified to talk about it since I have lived in both places and become immersed in both cultures. (North Yorkshire, England, 1998-2002 -- a little village just outside of Darlington, County Durham.)
Here in America, most of us enjoy a culture where guns are a part of it. (Note that I said MOST, not all.) The right to keep and bear arms has been part of our national fabric since (almost) day one. Some choose not to have guns in their homes, and that is fine. The operative word being CHOOSE.
However, more and more people feel that this constitutional right to keep and bear arms is in danger. They feel that we may go the way of the UK or Australia, and to them (OK, I admit it ... us), that is just intolerable. So, if the goverment of the US decides to subvert the constitution and start confiscating firearms, this "d*ick's" idea is A way to for us to defend our own rights which many people have died to defend.
BTW: I can spend hundreds (thousands? - no idea) on a 3D printer to print a gun which may or may NOT fire, or I can spend $100 (seriously - no joke, I've checked) and buy a used Avtomat Kalashnikova (AK-47*) from a "guy" in [pick your favorite big city] which I know WILL fire. The point being that "any d*ck" can already GET one! More/stricter gun control laws will not fix this! Criminals don't give a rat's a** about laws!
(Sorry, off my soapbox now.)
The bottom line is this: Criminals do not follow laws. No amount of gun regulation will make an iota's difference to someone who is willing to break the law. Gun laws only harm law-abiding citizens who only wish to defend their families and property from low-life scum.
Say like, in the case of Tony Martin? (The link won't work, so copy and paste into your browser as needed.)
For anyone who disagrees, think about this: Here's a great idea: Let's outlaw heroin and cocaine. Yeah. That'll surely keep them off the streets. Right? Just like prohibition! That worked!
I don't expect everyone to like it, nor even necessarily to understand it, but that's the way it is. And I thank God every day for it.
* = By the way folks, most (not all) AK-47's are crap. Most are throw-away weapons which are manufactured in China at about $9 apiece. If you are shopping and can actually FIND one right now, get a .223/NATO 5.56 (which most people refer to generically as an "AR-15"). Better quality weapon.
Personally, I prefer my S&W .357 magnum or my HK-45C. They fit better under my pillow. 
I'm done. Have a nice day.
"Just because you've always done it that way doesn't mean it's not incredibly stupid." - Despair, Inc.