Topic: Bring on the Jewness

Hey im half jewish and have been looking for good website or something for jewish songs and i cant find any. either i have to pay (haha) or there incorrect so please someone anyone help this poor lone half jewish kind in nebraska

So Red Delicious

Re: Bring on the Jewness

Hi sanguine - would love to help you find some stuff, but need more specifics.  Are you seeking music in a sacred tradtion, or klezmer stuff, or what?  Any particular artists, or styles?  I'm sure there is stuff out there, but need more background to help locate.  James

"That darn Pythagorean Comma thing keeps messing me up!"

Re: Bring on the Jewness

well id have to say traditional jewish songs and prayers like dayenum, hava nagila,
and such like there is one particualr song that i dont no the title to it goes something liek this
Once there was a very wicked man and his name was Hamen

thats all i can remember its been so long

So Red Delicious