Topic: How many Uke songs can you play using the same progression almost?

I  was  sat   tonight   messing  with  my  uke  when I  realised   I could  probably  do  a  whole  set  playing almost the  same  3  chord  progression . A-D-E.for  all  the  songs
This  is   what  I've  come  up  with so  far
Ride  a  white  swan  ,T rex
She  does  it  right  Dr Feel good
3 little  birds  Bob Marley
Rock me  baby  Muddy  Waters
Rave on  Buddy Holly
Road  House Blues  Doors
Going Back Home  Dr Feel good
Cake walk into town Taj Mahal
Johnny  Your  too bad  Taj Mahal  (A-E-D progression basically) 
Wreck of  the  old  97 Lonnie  Donegan  (same  3  chords )
Police  dog blues   Blind  Blake
Last train To  Clarksville  Monkees
So I  could  go  on  but I'd  be  at  it  all  night , Over to   you  guys  now  ,Jan? 

Re: How many Uke songs can you play using the same progression almost?

Grah1, lol yep, there are lots of songs you can play with the 3 same chords on the uke and you have just demonstrated that above lol.  I remember years ago, when I was first learning  to play the ukulele and a young lady performed for us and she did exactly that.  She played and sang one song after another, all into one long assembly of songs joined together.  As a beginner to the ukulele, I remember being very impressed with her.  I think I still have her list somewhere in one of my books, I will see if I can find it smile     

Laugh Lots ... Forgive Much ...  Love one another     smile
Covers and some Originals found over there    ------- >