Topic: Video I made of the song I wrote 

Your vision is not limited by what your eye can see, but what your mind can imagine.
Make your life count, and the world will be a better place because you tried.

"Use the talents you possess, for the woods would be very silent if no birds sang except only the the best." - Henry Van Dyke

2 (edited by Phill Williams 2024-03-22 21:38:54)

Re: Video I made of the song I wrote

Great song Jim, well performed, congrats     

And the video is brilliant too

Ask not what Chordie can do for you, but what you can do for Chordie.

3 (edited by Peatle Jville 2024-03-23 03:02:53)

Re: Video I made of the song I wrote

Excellent performance and song Jim. Also, your video works perfect.  Where did you find the photos or are they ones you photographed yourself?
BTW Jim, I just finished reading, "The Alchemist" the book you recommended. I should read and I enjoyed it.

Re: Video I made of the song I wrote

Another great song Jim