Topic: Crappy Google Ads in The way of Tabs

On chordie, ON EVERY TAB(!) There are google ads so it makes hard to read the tab. It's all squashed up and hard to read, the only way I can read them is if I copy and paste them onto word, but my computer is old and takes ages to load. C'mon guys help us all out! I dont mind the ads, but it goes over the Actual TAB! HELP!


Re: Crappy Google Ads in The way of Tabs

Sorry to hear you are having a problem like this.

I do not see any of the google adds going over any parts of the songs anywhere.

There might be a simple explanation?
something I cannot answer though,

If you can copy and paste an example in here so Per (the webmaster) can see if he can see what the problem is.
Also let him know what operating system you are using i.e Internet explorer or firefox and windows? mac?

This helps him sort things our easier.



ye get some that are cut out for the job and others just get by from pretending

Re: Crappy Google Ads in The way of Tabs

Thanks upyerkilt. That is exactly what I need. An url to any song having this problem, and the name of your browser. Most likely it is then very easy to fix.