Topic: Bonedaddys BIG 40th Birthday!

How could you not invite the forum to your Birthday Bash?

Are ya that mean with your cheap plonk?. I have bottles of Cava, bucks fizz, and as we have a Chilean Restaurant in the family , copious amounts of your Favourite, Concha Y Tora.
Well now as your an Earth sign like meself
I know as a rule  were not mean. So cough up now and tell why we wern't asked?.
Your so bold.
I would have played this for you youngfella.:lol:

Belated Happy Birthday with Warm Hugs from The Emerald.

Old Doll.

Why Blend in with the Crowd ? When you were made to stand out !

Re: Bonedaddys BIG 40th Birthday!

Belated Birthday Greetings for last Tuesday, BoneDaddy. I hope you had a fantastic time, even though my invite did not arrive in time neither.


"Do, or do not; there is no try"

Re: Bonedaddys BIG 40th Birthday!

Belated birthday greetings for last week. Sorry for the tardy reply but better late than never.

My life is brilliant... Of this I'm sure.

Re: Bonedaddys BIG 40th Birthday!

hope ye had a great time bonedaddy

all the best


ye get some that are cut out for the job and others just get by from pretending

Re: Bonedaddys BIG 40th Birthday!

Daddy, I hope you can still stand and use your bones when 120 years young.
CONGRATULATIONS, and may the "Lord" have mercy.

1) IF YOU WANT TO KNOW HOW OLD YOU WILL BE, The day you have to say goodbye to this cruel world: check this
2) What "feeling" did you have being 40?
3) I suffered a lot when 30 years old, and now: this was the most fantastic time I ever had.

[color=blue]- GITAARDOCPHIL SAIS: TO CONQUER DEAD, YOU HAVE TO DIE[/color]   AND [color=blue] we are born to die[/color]
[color=blue]Civilization began the first time an angry person cast a word instead of a rock.[/color]

Re: Bonedaddys BIG 40th Birthday!

WOOHOO!  40 years old!

Thanks a lot guys!  Feels pretty much the same as 21 actually!  Went to Windermere for a couple of days for the big 4 0... was misty for half of it but beautiful when the sun came out!

Had a lovely 4 course meal with expensive champagne courtesy of Mrs Bonedaddy - came in a wooden box with champagne flutes (wine not meal) lol

Then Grasmere for Sarah Nelson's world famous Grasmere Gingerbread - I brought some back for Y'all so enjoy!

Doc!  saw that deathclock link on a previous post of yours!  I will die aged 73!  Not depressing at all lol

Thanks for your good wishes and enjoy your Gingerbread


I'm the son of rage and love

Re: Bonedaddys BIG 40th Birthday!

Happy birthday Bonedaddy (was going to call you boner there but I think not).

I just did that Deathclock thing and it looks like I'm with you guys til I'm 97. Keep on rockin!

Is anything really made up of zeros and ones??

Re: Bonedaddys BIG 40th Birthday!

Alvee! where on the forum is the deathclock post?

Because when i woke today i felt like i should have been in the obituarys!:lol:

Old Doll.

Why Blend in with the Crowd ? When you were made to stand out !

Re: Bonedaddys BIG 40th Birthday!

bonedaddy wrote:

WOOHOO!  40 years old!

Doc!  saw that deathclock link on a previous post of yours!  I will die aged 73!  Not depressing at all lol


Might be when you get to 72.

"Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life."

Re: Bonedaddys BIG 40th Birthday!

Just done says don't bother learning anymore chords.

"Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life."

Re: Bonedaddys BIG 40th Birthday!

I don't know what happened to my prediction but it said I died in 2003.  I choose pessimistic so but even so.
I wondered why people kept ignoring me now I know.

Re: Bonedaddys BIG 40th Birthday!

Somebody say something?

"Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life."

Re: Bonedaddys BIG 40th Birthday!

lol lol lol

Nice one Charlotte!

Old Doll.

Why Blend in with the Crowd ? When you were made to stand out !

Re: Bonedaddys BIG 40th Birthday!

mmm...does this mean I can write anything about anyone and no one will be able to see it.

Now lets see...........................

Re: Bonedaddys BIG 40th Birthday!

Now mine says 8th April 2045, a month before my 98th birthday - I was hoping to exceed the 100 as I have a lot more songs to write yet.

That Arkady was a nice chap, wasn't he? We have not heard from him for ages!


Helena if you have not got Lieven's link yet it is:

"Do, or do not; there is no try"

Re: Bonedaddys BIG 40th Birthday!

Happy  belated 40th Bonedaddy, welcome to the club. Only 15 more years and we get discounts on our food at certain restaurants!?!?!?  I greatly enjoy your contributions to Chordie.

Peace and Guitars,

My bandmate(Mike Ma.) and I just checked our "Deathclock" and according to the information given we'll both be around here in this physical hemisphere for for another 46-47 years, respectively. Look out ladies......

Give everything but up.

Re: Bonedaddys BIG 40th Birthday!

Roger Guppy wrote:

That Arkady was a nice chap, wasn't he? We have not heard from him for ages

Yep, not a bad chap.

Lets get the Ouiji board there anybody there?

"Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life."

Re: Bonedaddys BIG 40th Birthday!

Thanks as always Roger Guppy,

Now my use by date is  Saturday { well thats one night ill be heading out and it wont be with the girlettes lol Ill be heading out the way i usually come in "flattened, {I jest Hmm well not really} 18th  November 2023. One less gift for the lads to purchase. lol such a thoughtful Mam!

Theres a lot of pluses here! It gives me 15 years to learn the F#. 15 years to travel more!
15 years to love my Kids! 15 years to smell the coffee and flowers along the way. 15 years of
music . my friends , birhdays, sure ill be glad to go.
Then im going be a siren Ghost, and check out all the the men who promised us girlies Heaven On Earth lol under the blakets with the  Angel Girletts.
Roger Guppy ! As your gonna be around for a long time WHOOOOOHOOOOO,THATS THE SOUND YOU BETTER GET USED TO . TEEHEE.

Siren Ghost!

Old Doll.

Why Blend in with the Crowd ? When you were made to stand out !

Re: Bonedaddys BIG 40th Birthday!

charlotte wrote:

Somebody say something?

I just spat my green tea all over my computer screen............

Give everything but up.

Re: Bonedaddys BIG 40th Birthday!

Quote "PS. Can someone change my name, it's only 2 years since I asked."
Who's the one's being ignored smile

Oh dam you can't see this I forgot

The invisible Man

Re: Bonedaddys BIG 40th Birthday!

arkady wrote:

Quote "PS. Can someone change my name, it's only 2 years since I asked."
Who's the one's being ignored smile

Oh dam you can't see this I forgot

The invisible Man

Spot on. When the site was changed nearly 2 years ago I typed in my password instead of my user name and have been known as Charlotte ever since. I don't mind really, you get used to the bra and pants but it's the high heels I have a hard time with.

Looks good on the building site.

"Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life."

Re: Bonedaddys BIG 40th Birthday!

Well Helena I am used to that sound already, I have two cats remember and Henry sounds just like that if he meets another tom lol

I just had a shiver as though someone had walked over my grave but then had the idea to read Charlotte's signature and I see, Charlotte, that you want a name change. I have sent you a private e-mail about it.


"Do, or do not; there is no try"

Re: Bonedaddys BIG 40th Birthday!


Ah dont change your name! I love the image of you in  a bra and  thingy tongies lol

Get clever with the high heels, only wear the real high ones  when you know you only have to take a few steps from a car to a pub or restaurant. Thats what most girlies do!

Charlotte, of course when your walking up and down someones back, thats a whole other story lol

Do it very gently, ya dont want to go spikeing them. Or maybe you do!!

Bold Old Doll.

Roger Guppy. Fair play to Henry! Only Gay Cat i ever heard of!.  Wooooooohooooo Henry.

Why Blend in with the Crowd ? When you were made to stand out !

Re: Bonedaddys BIG 40th Birthday!

Just had am email from Roger( fast or what) and you will be pleased to know I am keeping the bra and high heels. There's a chance I will lose my songbooks if I change my name.

Must dash, I need a shave.

"Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life."

25 (edited by Old Doll 2008-01-07 20:11:06)

Re: Bonedaddys BIG 40th Birthday!

Charlotte dont use a razor Pet. It leaves ladies skin all  red and sore. We dont look good with bits of toilet roll stuck all ove us, aint lady like!!

Heres a vey helpful link for you!

When you get to this go to the Powder Puff Room!! lol

Old Doll.

Why Blend in with the Crowd ? When you were made to stand out !