Topic: Hows the Bod?


Hows the Body doing, do you feel better now that they have extracted your Hiatus, or was this really were you stashed all the money you save buying cheap plonk!  The cheap plonk guys dont wash there feet:lol:
Maybe it was one of  there smelly socks caused the blockage?

Be Happy Be Well, Sláinte! lol

Old Doll.

Why Blend in with the Crowd ? When you were made to stand out !

Re: Hows the Bod?

Actually, I do wash my feet.... in cheap plonk, it's so astringent it goes through everything I've accumulated during the day!

I am up and about, standing up straight, although I occasionally have to give it a couple of goes cos, well, things are tugging in there that didn't ought to be if you get my drift lol

I've had a blast here at home, as Mrs Bonedaddy is in London!  I've watched about 12 films in three days and all with guitar in hand to add to the soundtrack lol

One of the films inspired a tirade to music, which I've posted in the Songwriting forum so get yourself there and say nice things about it cool

Thanks for your concern, and know that I'm thinking of you wink

I'm the son of rage and love

Re: Hows the Bod?

Well  Bonedaddy,

Are you the lucky one or what? Still getting tugged at 40! lol

Going ice skating tonight with my Lads and friends. I always wanted to do this.

Ill prob end up on my A## but its on my life list of things to do! So i have to fulfill this one!

Old Doll.

Why Blend in with the Crowd ? When you were made to stand out !

Re: Hows the Bod?

Have you been in the cooking sherry again?

Someday we'll win this thing...


Re: Hows the Bod?

Hey, Doll

Have you never been Ice Skating before?  It's brilliant, until you trip over, fall flat on your face with arms and legs akimbo, for someone to skate over your fingers.

tehn ouy hafe too tipe with rubbgrre finegders lol


I'm the son of rage and love

Re: Hows the Bod?

Haahahahhahahahahahahahahhhaah! very funny Bonedaddy!

I guess lots on Chordie here would be delighted if Old Doll had to type with rubber fingers!

Give them all a break!
No imagine that, never skated. we didnt have those things in my day. But it was something i always wanted to try. My lads have arranged it .Yipee.

Now is Mr Funny Guy "Jerome O'Neill " talking about you or I? as he is in the middle here im not  to sure! Fáilte Jerome!  Missing the ould sod are ye?

Must be all the Irish Air still in his Nostrils Bonedaddy!! Sure it beguiles the very nose that sniffs it. lol

Old Doll.

Best go as i have to get me pink leotard and pink bunny ears ready for tonight. If ya need anything just give a shout! I have cajun pork for dinner, ah sure ill even open a bottle of Concha
for ya!

Why Blend in with the Crowd ? When you were made to stand out !

Re: Hows the Bod?

You paint such a picture, Lena!  Not sure which is more tempting, the leotard and ears or the pork and wine

Decisions, decisions lol


I'm the son of rage and love

Re: Hows the Bod?

I gotta go back to Dublin again in a week.  Three trips in six weeks. 

So when I read about plonk guys and dirty feet and hiatusectomies (does it hurt when they remove your hiatus?) I gotta wonder just what in the confound world language that is!


Someday we'll win this thing...


Re: Hows the Bod?


You dont be wondering about these things. Just keep getting plenty of sleep

to Keep fit for your Irish Trips!   Bonedaddy and I understand one another very well.

I heard through the grapevine your much loved here! So sleep sleep and more sleep!

Old Doll.

Why Blend in with the Crowd ? When you were made to stand out !

Re: Hows the Bod?

GoodMorning Bonedaddy,

Hows you today! after your week of Stardom? Are your "Bits" Feeling any better Now? lol.

Old Doll.

Why Blend in with the Crowd ? When you were made to stand out !

Re: Hows the Bod?

lol Have you seen it?  86 views and counting!  I'm off now to have my roots done and a manicure, pedicure ready for my unsuspecting public.  I'm sure any moment now some music company exec will call my telephone to offer me a multi million pound contract... to never sing again!

I seem to have inadvertantly got onto a quick list of related videos to the Dixie Chicks Not Ready To Make Nice so all the Dixie Chick fans have the link on that page as they watch their video!

As for the bits, I think I've been overdoing it as my groin now looks like it has  a marrow growing under the skin!  Off to see the Nursey tomorrow to have the train track removed!


I'm the son of rage and love

12 (edited by Old Doll 2008-01-22 22:08:41)

Re: Hows the Bod?

Hi Bonedaddy,

Will ya book me in for a pedicure also, I just about need one to start the new year.

The Dixie Chicks must be delighted with you. Taking them to the limelight with your song !

Dont be worrying about this big marrow swelling you have. I know exactely what that is !!

Its  Only your ego trying to escape. lol God help the Nursey tomorrow!!

Heres a joke i heard recently. Sorry admin a bit rude!

Man goes to doctor. Hasnt a clue whats wrong with him?

Lovely young lady doctor examines him.

She says! Sir you are going to have to stop masterbating!  Why he asks!

Well she says " I am trying to examine you to see what your problem is!  lol Boom Boom.

{So you just behave your self tomorrow Bonedaddy}

Old Doll.

Why Blend in with the Crowd ? When you were made to stand out !

Re: Hows the Bod?

How dare you Lena!  I thought you were a nice girl and then you shatter my illusions with one word!  Well, I'm sure you are only repeating what you've heard and have no comprehension of it's meaning lol

Those Chicks are welcome, no need to thank me... which is just as well lol lol lol

As Granny's left breast said to the right breast "If we don't get some support soon, people will think we're nuts!"

I'm off back to the grindstone!


I'm the son of rage and love

Re: Hows the Bod?

I am a very nice Old Doll!

I see absolutely nothing wrong with Masterbaking! Jamie Oliver,

Gordon Ramsey, there all good at this art.

Support! The word does not enter my everyday vocab! Happy Days!

Now back to writing.

Angelic Old Doll.

Ps. Its very hard to fit your name Bonedaddy into a writing without laughing?

I wonder why that is?

Why Blend in with the Crowd ? When you were made to stand out !

Re: Hows the Bod?

Ah, Lena I'd encourage you to use your imagination but you'd probably be safer using someone else's lol


I'm the son of rage and love

Re: Hows the Bod?


How did you get on today with Nursey?  I heard she found a couple of sleepers under the tracks?

All Aboard! Bonedaddys last journey!

Old Doll.

Why Blend in with the Crowd ? When you were made to stand out !

Re: Hows the Bod?

No sleepers lol but she did give me such a ding across the head for starting to masturbate!  When I told her it was a joke she calmed down somewhat but got the BIG pliers out lol

I used to love the Monkees, watched them all the time in the school holidays, drove my mum mad!  They always looked like they were having so much fun making the programmes.

Going back to bed now as been overdoing it - Huge swelling... well, I don't like to brag lol lol lol

CUL8R, Darlin'


I'm the son of rage and love