Topic: open chords

I've been at this a little while now and the open chords just sound a whole lot better to me than movable chords.  They're a lot fuller sounding and ring a whole lot better... or is it just me?

Old age and treachery...

Re: open chords

Hey Lylenbev ,
   Could'nt agree more , I thought I was the only one who thought that . When I have a choice , I use the open chord . Sounds much better............

" Just reading the lyrics , it's hard to hear the song , but if the words tug at the's enough for now........... "

Re: open chords

Open chords do have a fuller, fatter sound on acoustic guitar. I recommend getting a capo to play along with some of those 1/2 step tuning alterings or songs in #'s or flats. Eventually the barre chords and moveable chords will sound almost as full as the open chords but for the early and intermediate  stages of learning guitar a capo is a great tool to have.

Give everything but up.

Re: open chords

I agree with Southpaw!  Open chords sound great, but to be a complete player, you'll need to be able to move them up the neck.  You'll have more to choose from when playing a song.  Capo is also a good idea to practice with as well!

Re: open chords

Thanks for the feedback!!  The movable chords are working pretty good for me,but they just aren't quite as satisfying, and tne power chords really sound dead.  I thought maybe they were mostly used on electrics.  Got the capo and I'm movin' on!  Thanks all!

Old age and treachery...