Topic: Lyrics + chords

Hi I've just joined up. I'm SOOOOOOOOooo happy I've found you .
I live for (and by) music and though I'm a died-in-the-wool trad Irish fiddle-player I do like to sing and like to have the words AND chords in front of me.
I'm so grateful for this .Thank you.
ps if anyone wants trad Irish tunes let me know - if I can help, I will. I've been playing since 1953.

Re: Lyrics + chords

Welcome to Chordie pfiddle!

There is a Chordie group on YouTube and a Chordie page on Myspace also if you'd like to share some tunes we'd love to hear them.

Rule No. 1 - If it sounds good - it is good!

Re: Lyrics + chords

hi pfiddle and welcome to the site and forum.

My wife also plays fiddle, if you have any sheet music for trad. irish that you could email me that would be fantastic.
She is playing by ear and improvising with me playing, but she is wanting to do more sort of harmonising with the fiddle rather than just play what i am playing.
She has been playing for a couple of years, had some training and learned her scales.
Any other help would be good. Hse keeps going on about getting a fiddle book with the music but we have not found any yet, apart from stuff online but she likes to see it first to make sure it is in the same key I am playing ( mostly G's and D's) but the books we find are all higgilty piggilty


ye get some that are cut out for the job and others just get by from pretending